
Friday, 14 February 2025

Not Quite Busy

There was a parcel that needed to go to a friend in the Netherlands. I've not been in a fit state to do much, but although I didn't have much sleep last night, I was feeling better so I set off in a hurry to get to the Post Office at the Co-op to post the parcel - the staff are always lovely there and the car park there usually has a space, even if it is a wickedly sloped surface. I shot out of the door at 9.10am, after the traffic for the school near us had cleared, raced up the road, and the whole building was closed and shuttered. There was building stuff around, so I hope that it will re-open, as the store itself is so useful - it's close, has a reasonable range for a corner shop, has a Post Office Counter, has a car park, stocks ethical, good quality food and is nice and clean. Having said that, I had to belt back because the Tesco grocery delivery was due at 10am. 

The check tyre pressure light came on in the car, which doesn't always mean anything, but the car was driving 'soft' so as soon as I'd got the groceries away, I tootled down to In n Out Garage. They don't mind you dropping in if it's an iffy tyre (it was), and they have always let me wait with my knitting. Today I waited. And waited. And waited. And waited.

The tyre had to be ordered, and should have been there by three. However it got stuck in traffic. I checked Google maps and there were four accidents between Junction 27 and Junction 25 of the M62! I hope that they were all minor accidents, but the roads were dreadfully backed up. So the tyre, that absolutely should have been there for 3pm, got there at 4.30pm. I had got to the garage at 1pm. It was practically 5pm when everything was finished and paid for - too late to try and find a new post office. I spent effectively four hours intermittently knitting and reading. 

The staff were lovely! They kept me up to date, made sure that I could help myself to tea and coffee and even offered me a Tunnock's tea cake. The one pic I managed to take today was of their drinks machine which was a source of free and unlimited hot chocolate for me. 

At least I got some knitting done. 

Tomorrow I should have some better pics - I got a delivery today with plant pots in, so I hope to progress with those dratted chillies!

I threw together a quick dinner - frozen veggie sausages, frozen potato sort of wide fries, frozen peas, and gravy. It took twenty minutes and the only thing that cost full price was the gravy granules. The freezer may be full, but it's something of a resource and I've been trying to stuff it wisely. 

Then I've zoned out for the rest of the evening. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Oh my goodness, these Chillies are becoming a thorn in your side,I thought you got down to some serious chilli farming the other day? Anyway I have named this ongoing saga Chillie Gate,and it needs to be put to bed so they can grow in peace!
    Take care, and the burning question is will these Chillies ever live to tell the tale?
    Jaccs x

    1. Given my track record with plants - the chillies are in a perilous position!

  2. Sorry about the tyre pressure and the wait. The staff sounds really nice though. I think around here they would just be scowling that someone was sitting waiting for so long!

    1. I recommend them to everyone. They're real sweeties.

  3. Those long waits at garages can be very tiring. But, glad you got the tire replaced. The dinner from the freezer sounds delicious, too.

    1. Thank you - I'm working (incredibly slowly) on getting the freezer filled with good, healthy stuff that can make a quick meal. Sometimes what the men want isn't fine dining or fancy - they want now!
