
Friday 31 January 2020

Tomorrow is Going to be Better

Tomorrow is the first day of February. I shall be glad to see a new month.

Bear is doing okay, and is getting a little better. He has a day out planned with my sister in law, who will indulge him. I hope she is braced, though, as he has been watching History documentaries on YouTube and is asking questions about Communism.

Bear is also getting some appetite back. He requested a casserole for dinner, which was something of a surprise as it is many years since I made a casserole. I seared some chicken and chorizo, added a bag of frozen casserole veggies (won't do that again, they were very disappointing) and used some chicken cuppa soups as stock. Bear and DH devoured the result, but I think that it lacked a certain something. I may look at some recipes.

Hugs to all.

1 comment:

  1. Get Bear a copy of Animal Farm by George Orwell. A simple introduction to Communism. x
