
Tuesday 26 January 2021

A Little Better

Wherethejourneytakesme - I wish I was as industrious as you.

Sharon - your wildlife sounds amazing! Mind you, I'm not sure how I'd cope with a raccoon.

Col - I may give that a try. We're on a shared supply and a few years back there was a marijuana farm behind us and I think they messed with the water supply. That filter sounds great.

After bear had finished online school, I took him out to the park. It's a twenty minute drive, but it's in the middle of a town and it's the one we always go to, so I think it's okay. We didn't go into any shops (partly because it was threatening snow on the way back).

Bear abandoned me to explore the (very small) wooded bits while I wandered around the pond. It's still frozen in parts. 

I really do take rubbish photos. The one above is supposed to show the geese standing on the surface of the pond. 

I've got a big chunk of writing I need to get done, so I'm likely to be away for a week.

Hugs and good health to all.


  1. Wow that's a lot of geese! There are a couple of parks in town that don't freeze over winter and that's usually where you can find the geese here. Hope the writing goes well!

  2. Thank you for the comment Lyssa but don't be hard on yourself you do such wonderful things with and for bear - I think it is lovely that you hang out together and what about all your writing - I would fall on that at the first hurdle. x

  3. I think you take great photos. Enjoy your writing time. :)
