
Saturday 6 April 2024

A Little Draughty

We are on the edges of Storm Kathleen here, but it's still quite windy. I had a pot of hyacinths that my brother had kindly given me on the front step.

The wind had literally blown the hyacinths out of their plant pot and I couldn't find the pot. When I went to Tesco to have a walk, I picked up a pot. 

But I decided to put them in with Deirdre, and I can top up with soil tomorrow when I'm able and leave them there for the next year.

By the way, when I called into Tesco with an excuse to shop and to attempt a walk, I noticed that all the bottles of spirits were wearing girdles.

Even the cheap stuff was tied in. There must be some issues with theft. From what I saw, the mesh around them was like the wire bit of a bike lock and they had security tags on. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I love your new pot.
    Ha ha at the bottles with their girdles on. It made me laugh one time when I went to the shops and the washing pods had security tags on them!

    1. That's crazy - that the washing pods needed tags! Thank you - the pot called to me as I have a weakness for blue and white.

  2. I like the pot you bought for the hyacinths! Deidre will enjoy the company of the hyacinths, I'm sure. There's a lot of theft in the stores here, too. In fact, some stores are closing because they are being robbed so much!

    1. I get annoyed when it's the small shops that are targeted, and they are going for luxuries and not necessities.

      Deirdre is really flourishing at the moment, and I'm sure that the Hyacinth will be a good fit.

  3. We're right on the West coast, we live literally on the promenade, so have felt the effect of Kathleen quite sharply! We had a front garden full of sand this morning, but it doesn't take long to pick it up and dump it back on the beach, this morning we did six large buckets full!
    It makes me furious when, and pardon my language, 'thieving gits' target Alcohol. If they are struggling to feed their families, I can almost (I say 'almost' as I'm descended from a long line of Police Officers, so honesty is in my DNA) understand them stealing baby formula, or nourishing food, but to set their sights on Alcohol, which is absolutely unnecessary to their survival is just a plain greedy, appalling theft!
    We haven't yet seen anything in our local shops 'locked up' yet, but who knows how long that will remain the case! X

    1. Sand gets everywhere. I've never lived on the coast but I knew someone who lived on Morecambe seafront years ago and it was brutal when the winds came in. I'm glad that you got it cleared - all of those buckets!

      Stealing non-necessities annoys me a lot. Stealing is something I'm not comfortable with, but I get it. It's hard if there's no money and people are hungry, and this area is not affluent at all, but alcohol is a luxury like tobacco and should be far down the list! On the bright side, the area around my Tesco has a large Muslim population and with it being Ramadan, the food bank donations have been overflowing every time I've been there.

    2. We only have two buckets, but husband makes repeat trips across the prom to dump the sand back over the railings! He could do with a yoke across his shoulders, like an ox, with a bucket on either side! X

    3. Or perhaps there could be some sort of sled arrangement...

    4. Now there's a good idea!
