
Wednesday 10 April 2024

Spring Feels Very Early

We have bluebells that grow under Gladys. They've already started showing and it feels very early for me. I normally expect them around May. 

As you can see above, they're starting to crowd out Gladys. I need to get bear out to hack her back again. It did wonders for her last year. 

It's been a fairly quiet day, and I'm glad of it. Bear decided to skip the pub quiz today and I'm glad I didn't have to drive. I'm shattered at the moment. I had a dreadful night with lots of nightmares and I was glad to wake up.

Writing Stuff - I was watching some YouTube videos as part of my research for the next instalment of Back at the White Hart and I made some decisions about what types of research I was not going to do. You can read my thoughts here

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I read somewhere that flowers are starting to bloom earlier and earlier as a result of climate change. Looking forward to seeing Gladys flower, later in the year. I hope you have a better night of sleep, tonight.
