
Saturday 11 May 2024

Still Warm

Poor bear runs warm and always has. When it's been cold and wet outside, he's been going to school in just a t-shirt. The latest warm weather does not suit him. We've got a fan going, which has helped, but I suspect that it's going to be a long summer for him. 

We went to feed the crows this morning. There was a lot of squabbling going on with the magpies - we were calling one of the bigger ones 'Scar-tail' because all the tail feathers were ragged. It was lovely and warm and there was a scent of hawthorn blossom on the breeze. I didn't get out of the car (I'm still a little careful about walking) but I took this pic out of the window.

The tree was just a mass of blossom!

I can't face the Eurovision for some reason this year. I'll pick up the highlights at some time I suppose. It just isn't calling to me. I'm tempted to try to go for a drive to see if there are any northern lights but I'm tired and it's a little cloudy so I may have to drive some distance. If it was for bear, I'd do it in a second. Instead I may see if I can find something on YouTube!

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Glad you are enjoying some warm weather, even if bear finds it, um, unbearable. :D It's 72F here, right now, and I am still wearing a sweater over my long sleeved T-shirt. :) That tree is lovely! My gardener M brought me a tiny cutting of what he said was hawthorn; I wonder if it will grow into a tree like that?

    1. Hawthorn trees are a staple of the English countryside and if left alone they grow into small, bushy trees. They have vast amounts of blossom in spring and plenty of red berries in autumn. They're supposed to keep witches away, but I doubt you have much problem with that!
