
Wednesday 26 June 2024

Garden Fail Continues

I think that the gooseberry bushes have gone over. 

I found these in the depths of the foliage, and they should be green. I hope to be able to get out tomorrow to do a little more. I'm going to get rid of the gooseberries. The men have no enthusiasm for them and their thorns are assertively vicious. 

It feels like a long day. I had a delivery early this morning of a few bits, I got the dead bulb on the licence plate replaced (and the brakes checked at the same time as they still feel a little soft). Then I took bear to his pub quiz and did a little writing before picking him up again. I still feel that I could have done more but the heat was killing me. And yes, the heat is nothing compared to most of the world, but it's very humid and I'm not used to it.

Writing stuff - I've been thinking about the White Hart and the books that I put up. I've got a tentative plan (yes, I know what happens when I plan, but I'm working on it) and I've laid it out here. I'd love to hear what you think. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. It does sound like you were quite busy! I'm a terrible gardener. I am going to make note of the two - yes, just two flowers that have survived the deer, the rabbits, the squirrels and other miscellaneous wildlife and bird life. I might just buy a truckload of them and that will be all that will be in the garden

    1. It sounds like you have your hands full with the garden! Good luck!

  2. I've read that gooseberries are sweeter when they ripen and turn red and make good jams or can replace rhubarb in crumbles. I'd pick them and try them with some ice cream or custard. I'm sure they'd be delicious.

    1. I haven't got the strength to pick them at the moment which is sad. These are supposed to be a green variety, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't be eaten.

  3. Are you sure they are meant to be green? There are varieties of gooseberry that are meant to be that colour (and some of them are sweeter varieties, absolutely delicious). We grew some about a hundred years ago, after a recommendation on Gardeners World for a particular variety. I can't for the life of me remember what it was called now. The bush got dug out when we had to convert our fruit cage to an emergency enclosure for the chooks.

    1. They're definitely supposed to be green. As I don't have the energy to pick them and the men are busy, it looks like the blackbirds will be getting a treat!

  4. Those gooseberries are a variety which gives red berries. They don't need to be green to be edible.

    1. They're supposed to be a green variety. I don't have a lot of energy. If I can pick some, I'll check on how firm or otherwise they are.
