
Saturday 21 September 2024

Fridge Freezer

The problems with the fridge continue and I suspect that it needs replacing. DH seems to think that we can work around the fridge's little ways. I am not so sure.

Tonight we were supposed to have Air Fried Tofu, but I was going to toss the cubes of tofu in a mix of cornflour, garlic granules, onion granules and paprika. I planned to make rice in the rice cooker plus stir fry veggies in a pouch of sweet chili and garlic sauce that was part of the offer on jars of sauce. 

The tofu was frozen solid. 

I ended up doing the rice, the veggies in sauce and some herby vegetarian sausages. It wasn't a complete fail, but I would have preferred the tofu. 

I need to overhaul the contents of the freezer. There are a few boxes of food that bear requested and then decided to never eat again. I may throw a couple of them out to make room. I'm also sure that there are things that have lurked in there for years and I may as well get rid of those as well. I also need to use up the oddments lurking in the corners. We are in the run up to Christmas and I want to be able to store stuff in there. 

Apart from that, it's been a quiet day. I need to make more excitement in my life.

Hugs and good health to a..


  1. You might have to get one of those fridge temperature gauges and adjust the setting on your fridge accordingly. If that doesn't work, then, it might be time to replace the fridge.

    1. We have a fridge thermometer and we are constantly tweaking the darned setting. Just a whisker out and everything freezes!
