I slept through a Tesco delivery this morning. I'm not sure how I managed it. It was a whisker early, just before 9am, and DH was an absolute saint and brought it all in, stowed the frozen and chilled and let me sleep. I feel dreadful about it.
I only wanted the delivery because I'm not good about going out at the moment. You can find me by tracking the tissues that I seem to be shedding all over the house. I'm on my fourth box at the moment. I needed a few bits and I took advantage of some coupons - not as good as Bless, though. I managed to take the bill from £53.17 to £48.56. It was stuff that I wanted/needed so I'm not too stressed about getting extra.
I haven't been productive today. The only instance of productivity is checking in on a publishing house. There was a call for submissions and the formatting is quite strict - and in inches. My set up is in metric. I checked to see if they'd accept my 'near as I could manage it' formatting and they were really sweet getting back to me. Even if they don't accept my yet-to-be written story, I'll probably still buy that issue and recommend it here. They were lovely. Publishers aren't always lovely to writers that they don't know so when I get a kind response, it makes a difference. It's not much of a silver lining on a day when I've been spectacularly ineffective.
As I haven't taken a pic, I had a rummage.
It took this back in 2021, when I could walk so much better. It made me think of all sorts of stories. I need to get back to that.
I'm determined to do more tomorrow.
Hugs and good health to all.
The silver lining is your husband was there to accept the delivery and put away what needed to be put away immediately; you didn't have to miss the delivery or run to answer the door bell while half asleep or find stuff left on the doorstep, later.
ReplyDeleteThe silver lining is there is grocery delivery available for when we aren't able to go to the shops, ourselves.
The silver lining is, you got to sleep in and we need all the sleep we can get when we are dealing with colds and other illnesses.
The silver lining is you still managed to save nearly 8.7% (8.67 to be exact) on your total grocery order with your coupons and that is awesome! Every little bit helps; "a penny saved is a penny gained" as they say. :)
The silver lining is, these days, we have tissues to use when we have colds - imagine how many handkerchiefs you'd have to wash if you didn't have tissues! When I was a child and had a cold, I would take my stepfather's handkerchiefs because they were so much bigger and could be used a few more times than my own handkerchiefs (there were no such things as tissues back then, in that place and time).
Plus, the publishers were nice when you checked with them about the formatting. :)
I haven't been very productive, today (Wednesday), myself. It rained, earlier and now it's just cloudy and grey and "cold" at barely 50F (10C). I'm spending the day catching up on blogs and reading. :)
Glad husband was home to be able to help out with the delivery.
ReplyDeleteI do hope you feel better soon. It's horrible to be so miserable.
Husband and son still have the bug. I'm still crossing everything that I don't get it!