
Friday 8 April 2022

And Then I Found Myself Here

Dashing through in haste. I did a shop late at night last night and completely forgot about the whole blog thing. Today I got an invite to a podcast so I've been researching frantically so that I don't sound like an idiot (it hasn't been recorded yet, and I'll let you know if it ever makes it to air). 

The weather has been silly. It was the most gorgeous golden morning on the school run, and we had hail, sleet and snow on the way home and I was glad to get in. The men are planning to do things with the trellis in the garden tomorrow, which is just as well as the honeysuckle is already starting to twine in after a few days with absolutely no encouragement from me.

I didn't put it there. It managed to find it all by itself!

The main reason I am posting is that this is one of the few places I can tell people that bear got an awesome school report today. It looks like he will get great grades, which is good. He is earning a reward, however, for having impeccable attitude to learning scores. His willingness to learn and to work is far more important. I am so proud of him.

I will be back and probably more sensible tomorrow. Though I'm pretty sure that I've picked up bear's cold.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Congratulations Bear! Job well done, not that I'm surprised. Bear seems to have his act together for his age. More mature than the average young man, I would say. You can be proud too, mom and dad, because some of this is because of your influence and care, plus a sincere interest in his studies. I think Bear will have a great future because of the knowledge he already has. It will develop and continue to grow. It's good to hear positive things like this. Thanks for sharing. Ranee (MN) USA

  2. I need to get some of those trellis' for my garden. Not sure the deer wouldn't eat anything I tried to grow up them though lol. Congratulations to Bear! Hope he has a well-deserved rest next week! Congrats on the Podcast!

  3. Well done Bear. You are clearly a son to be proud of. My Alexander had such a good attitude to schoolwork and later on to college work. He found himself a little job which gave him a bit of financial security through college and uni. He worked his socks of and now has a great job that pays extremely well and most important of all a job he loves. Bear, stick with it love, you sound like an amazing young man. .

  4. Well done Bear! That is great that he has received an awesome school report and wonderful to know he has a good attitude to learning. I'm proud of him, too! :)

  5. I hope your men get the trellis sorted.

    Congratulations to Bear for a brilliant school report and having an impeccable attitude to learning ... hope that's something he never loses.
