
Monday 10 June 2024

Herding Cats

Bear has to get his kit together for the Duke of Edinburgh expedition. He's fine about it and I'm about to collapse under the stress. I've looked over his kit list, and I have doubts.

My brother, bless him, took bear and got him kitted out with the boots, backpack and clothing that he needed. However the list also included things like tea towels and wash kit and that's all down to bear - or me. 

Trying to pin bear down to what he needs to pack and what I need to add to the shopping list is like trying to herd greased cats that have been rolled in catnip. I'm trying to work out if he's got enough sun block, and if he needs a wash cloth, and do they need him to supply washing up liquid and bear is supremely indifferent. The school is doing a bag check and I am so grateful as I am sure that bear has not allowed for an awful lot of things. This includes food.

Bear has airily assured me that they'll be eating things like pancakes and pasta. I have grave doubts about this. I asked bear whether he knew how to cook these pancakes and he gave me a blank look. Pancakes from scratch (the only way I've ever made them) involve things like eggs and milk which aren't easy to cart around in your backpack as you're tramping around the moors. I still haven't had a definitive answer about whether he needs an indiviudual first aid kit and I feel somewhat concerned as you can't always get stuff last minute, especially as I'm still struggling to walk. 

It's three days. I'm going to be a wreck and bear is going to be fine. 

I had an extremely large delivery today. Not only did I have a load of travel size stuff like shampoo (because bear is not going to let standards slip and utterly rejected the combined body wash and shampoo) but there are a lot of offers on gluten free stuff at the moment so I may have loaded up. 

I've no pics worth sharing, so here is an old one of mine from January 2022. I've always liked this contrast.

Writing stuff - I should be doing all sorts of writing stuff but Royal Road issued a challenge with the theme of Grannies and Goblins and I couldn't resist the idea. The first instalment is herehere. Eventually I'll get around to putting it on my blog as well. And this week's instalment from the White Hart is herehere

Hugs and good health to all.


  1. I'm sure bear will be fine. Maybe give him the responsibility of getting the stuff he needs to take with him. If he doesn't have what is needed, he'll find a way to make do. :)

    1. I have the view that if he forgets something important, he won't forget it again :)

  2. None of my three did Duke of Edinburgh but both the boys undertook various expeditions through Wales with the Scouts. They took dried meals similar to army provisions so the only extra ingredient was water. Bear's reference to pasta probably relates to pot noodles which many youngsters live on. In some ways it doesn't matter what he does or doesn't take, he will learn from the experience and maybe (or maybe not) do something different next time. My advice to you is to plan something immersive for the whole weekend so you don't spend time worrying what might or might not be happening. My philosophy with all my three has been that if they are out of sight, I don't have to worry about them. This worked well when my eldest and his girlfriend/wife were skydiving as patr of a team. It doesn't protect you from the 2am phone calls asking to be collected from wherever (nightclub/railway or police station/friend's house) but hopefully your DH will deal with those as mine did for me. There are only five years to go before Bear will be responsible for himself and eventually start providing for you and DH. Our eldest now caters for family Christmases (there are 10 of us), they all have us for barbecues, birthday celebrations etc. I could feel I'm not pulling my weight but they remind me I did it all for over thirty years so now I can sit back and let them take up the slack. I hope you are able to do the same.

    1. You give awesome advice. He'll learn one way or another.

      Funnily enough, it's usually me that does the run out to pick up at daft hours. I can't help feeling that bear is the sensible, capable one of the household.
