
Thursday 6 June 2024

Today Was a Win

This may seem strange, but I walked a few yards and I feel like it was a win. 

I was picking up bear but I thought that I would call in a small supermarket type place on the way so that I could pick up some snacks. I wasn't sure that I could do the walking. But I did! I parked a tiny way from the door.

And not only did I manage to get to the store, but I managed to wander around as I looked for the small bottles of diet Coke that I wanted. To me this is an incredible success!

There's not much more going on, but this was such a big deal. I had to share. It gives me hope that I can get moving again.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Yay! Glad you were well enough to manage a walk! Hope you picked up lots of snacks! :)

    1. I got plenty of snacks that tasted better for the win!

  2. Take the win and bank it. It is easy to slip into the mindset of feeling as if we should be out running marathons in our lunch break but sometimes all you can do is all you can do. I was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition a couple of years ago and some days getting up and dressed sees me needing to sit down for an hour or so, Yesterday I did about 20 minutes weeding and felt as if I had run that marathon! I used to spend all day gardening and even laid my own patio during lockdown and some days it does get me down how tired and ache-y I feel - but I certainly don't miss shopping and have pretty much everything delivered now. The neurologist who diagnosed me said that I have to learn to pace myself, and I actually think it's good advice for everyone. Do what you can, when you can - and when you can't, don't. Best wishes.

    1. That is awesome advice. I always feel guilty because I can't get stuff done, but perhaps I need to be a little more realistic. Thank you.

  3. Yay for you. Jean from the Center of Canada

  4. That's a definite win 😊 Really pleased for you xx

  5. It's the little wins that we celebrate isn't it. Keep it up and enjoy every little success.

    1. Thank you, Cherie - I really appreciate the hugs!

  6. Good for you! Every little helps.

  7. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

    1. If I could dance, I would have absolutely danced around in celebration!
