
Wednesday 3 July 2024

It's Complicated

I've not done enough to warrant taking pics, and I've not done much to write about. However I'll come back with what I have done when my head stops working. Bear was explaining mathematics to DH and I. I think that it was somewhere around undergrad level, but he was talking about derivatives at one point. I'm not exactly what they are but some of them are called 'Snap', 'Crackle' and 'Pop'. I think that says a lot about mathemeticians. I got some knitting done while he was explaining everything. And I found this pic.

Bear seemed to be talking about these sorts of mathematical processes, and he was so happy and enthusiastic that I was loving it. I may not have understood it, but I absolutely loved it.

He also explained complete and incomplete combustion after lighting a candle. The candle is supposed to smell of fresh water and moss. I've not noticed either having much of a scent and the candle smells very faintly green. I won't try that again.

Hugs and good health to all. 

Monday 1 July 2024

Temperature Issues

I am not talking about the Great British Weather, which is once again unseasonally cool. Instead we have temperature issues in the fridge. You may remember that our cooker caught fire a few months ago. Well, the fridge was bought at the same time and I've been a little worried. Last week it seemed a little warm and food was going off a little faster than expected. I bought a fridge thermometer and adjusted the thermostat.

So far, not so good. The fridge seems to have two settings, regardless of where the thermostat is. It's either so cold that it freezes the salad or it's too warm to preserve the food. This morning the fridge was -2C (around 28F) but I only realised that when I tried to pour almond milk on my cereal and the stuff came out in lumps. I think that the thermostat may be on the blink. 

On the one hand, I can fiddle around and see if I can keep it at a good temperature. The recommended range is between 3-5C (it was 9C the other day). I'm sure I could find a place that does repairs if necessary. On the other hand, we could do with a smaller fridge. We got the big fridge when I needed a lot of space for bear's snacks and lunches and DH was eating different foods then. A smaller one would suit us more and I could use the top as a place to put the pans. I think the first step is to give it a good clean, including the pipes at the back, which is theoretically pencilled in for tomorrow. 

Today hasn't been focussed. Tomorrow I'm determined that I'll do at least one thing that means I take a pic to share on here. Of course, today I'm still recovering from the England match. I try and keep this blog family friendly so I'm not going to say what I thought of the England performance. 

Bear got his results from his mock exams which are the ones that they send out to Universities as a guideline to what to expect from the student. He got A* across the board in Physics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Computer Science. I am incredibly proud of him. He's currently planning out his summer studying. I have so much respect for him. I'm also encouraging him to build in time to relax and refresh for what is likely to be a tough year. 

Writing stuff - The latest from the White Hart is here and it's a lot longer than I planned for, but it was the story I heard so I wrote it. I've also written a few bits on Royal Road. If you're interested, here is Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four and Chapter Five

Hugs and good health to all.