
Saturday 7 October 2023

I Accidentally Drove on the Motorway

Anything else that has happened today is something of a blur. 

Bear's sweetheart is playing a gig the other side of Leeds so I drove over to the unfamiliar area, dropped bear off and then headed back. As I've been nervous about driving on fast roads, I thought I would come back via a dual carriageway which would take me well out of my way but would give me a little practice and at least part of the way would be familiar. I was happy to get going, till I took the wrong turn and ended up on the M1 motorway heading towards London.

I tootled along in the left lane at a steady 60mph which I thought was pretty good as I didn't have a chance to build myself up. I was overtaken a lot, which makes me feel not only guilty but slightly worried. If I'm overtaken that much, I'm a potential hazard, even though I was doing 60mph in the slow lane. Fortunately it was quite quiet and although I missed the first exit (because it also signposted motorway services and I didn't realise that it was more than just the services) I took next one, accidentally got onto the M621 as I misread the sign, trundled along that motorway until I took an exit too early, rambled around the wilds of South Leeds (and some of South Leeds is pretty wild) and then hit the traffic jam that happens at the end of a Leeds United game. The crowds of people on the paths looked mostly cheerful after beating Bristol City 2-1 but didn't look giddy about it as they were jamming up all the crossings for miles either side. I was glad to get home.

I think that I'll take a moment to relax. I'll need more practice on motorways, and I'm absolutely staying away from the M62 unless I feel a lot more confident, but I'm okay about it. 

Writing stuff - today's Kane story is here.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. But you did it and the world did not come to a screeching halt. Now you know if you get on a highly trafficked road, you can get off. Just try to relax a little and pay close attention to the signs. At least here in the USA if you take an exit from an expressway, almost always there is one fairly close by to get back on. Do you have access to a map of the area which shows which roads can be accessed and which ones can't? Sometimes a paper map if studied for a bit will imprint on one's brain so when you are actually on the road traveling, your brain remembers. I am 82 years old and recently put almost 2000 miles on my car traveling out of state to visit elderly relatives (more elderly than me, if you can believe it). There is rarely a place you can go, that you can't get out of if you don't panic.

    1. Thank you - that's good advice. I usually study Google maps if I'm going to an unfamiliar area but this was unexpected. I feel almost liberated. I'm not planning on going out again soon, but when you are in the UK, you can only drive so far before you fall off the edge so I may as well just roll with it. I may spend some more time with maps, especially paper ones as they can make more sense!

  2. Oh, no! Poor you! I don't mind driving on the freeway, but, once I take a wrong exit, I get totally disorientated and don't know where I am going! Gad you managed to find your way home again! How old will bear have to be before he can get a driver's license and drive himself places?

    1. Bear can get a provisional driving license at age 17 to start taking lessons, we already know a decent driving instructor and he is keen to go. The UK test is quite tough, but once he's passed then I can leave him to it.

      I still expect to give him plenty of lifts though if he is out overnight and we want the car the next day.

  3. The M1/M62 junction around Leeds is a nightmare. I have to be careful not to get on the wrong one. you did well to find your way off it. The Leeds ringroad is hell as well.

    1. The junctions around Leeds are grim and a lot of the layouts are changing. I'm used to some from having to use them, but it's nerve wracking. At least I had a full tank of petrol so I wasn't worried about that! Thank you - I felt like I'd won a battle by the time I got home.
