
Friday 26 July 2024

Need to Raise My Game

Normally I would say that I could talk for hours about nothing at all, and you may have seen that in some of the posts here. Recently, though, I've not felt able to talk about too much. I feel like my words have dried up. It hasn't helped that I'm not going out. I won't be going out much for the next week and a bit either. I'm bound to a timetable, which means that I have to take two tablets two hours after my last meal and one hour before the next meal. By the time I've messed around with all the tablets, I don't want to venture very far. Besides, the antibiotics have had an effect on my stomach and staying near bathrooms seems like a good idea. I need to get better at looking at my world as there are always stories.

I ended up ordering sweet peas for the garden. They'll do for this year, though I don't expect much, and then we can consider what else to put there next spring. The berries on Deirdre are looking splendid.

But Gladys is looking a little subdued. I'll get some more cleared over the next few days, or perhaps bear will, and give everything left standing a good feed. 

Speaking of food, I've been strangely sensible for the last few days. I've had healthy, low calorie meals. Currently our freezer is jammed full, so today I cooked a bag of frozen chicken pieces to make some room. I thought that I'd do a batch so I tipped it all out on a tray and covered with foil as per instructions, then bunged it in the oven. I set a timer to go down and remove the foil after 25 minutes as it said on the bag. Unfortunately, I got confused with the different timers on my phone so I took my tablets twenty minutes early and forgot all about the foil. The result was chicken that was completely cooked throught but somewhat pallid. It tasted fine, so I wasn't complaining. 

I realised, when I took the chicken out, that I was supposed to eat it all within three days, as it's unsafe to keep cooked chicken, even if our fridge is hovering around sub zero. Next time I'll just do half a bag. I had a load tonight with tinned potatoes and frozen peas. It was pretty plain, but low calorie and could be worse. I had Huel for breakfast, which isn't bad for one of those meal replacement shakes, and tomato soup for lunch. I've even been drinking more water. I've got quite a bit of chicken left over so I'll probably use it up over two meals with something like pesto and pasta or I've got some hoisin sauce which I could use with veggies and rice. I need to lose weight, and for some reason, today seems like a low calorie type of day. I hadn't planned to start a diet, and I'm not committing to low calorie tomorrow, but I'll take today's attempt as a win. 

Writing stuff - yesterday I posted Cookies and Carburettors Chapter Nine here. I feel completely inadequate as a cook compared to the main character.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I think you are wise to stay close to home while you have to take medications at prescribed times and are on antibiotics. Deirdre is looking great and I hope that Gladys will perk up.

  2. Are you able to eat yogurt? It’s supposed to help with restoring the “good” bacteria in your digestive system when taking antibiotics.

    Sorry you’ve been unwell so much recently.


  3. Take care of yourself!! Typing with one hand here after shoulder surgery, enjoyed your new C&C stories.
