
Monday 7 October 2024

Less Happy.

Do you remember this box?

The drawers inside had a thorough dusting of mould - like the wood had been soaked, become mouldy and then dried out. I had a look around the internet and followed the directions to spray with vinegar and leave for an hour. The smell was horrific. Then DH made a batch of pickled chillies and I swear that the smell got worse. Then I did bear's washing and by the time I added the fabric conditioner that he likes, I was ready to open every window in the house. I think that tomorrow I'll give the drawers a good wash in soapy water and then another spray. I really want to use them, but I don't think that I'd get much option if I tried to return it (Temu) and I suspect that the cost of returning the thing would be more than I spent in the first place. As it is, the joints and frame of the drawers seem sturdy enough, so I'll see if it can be sorted out. 

I've also done a few loads of laundry and some productive pottering. Mainly, however, I've been knitting.

That's the shawl. It will look coherent when it's finished, but it's currently complicated. You go so far with increasing two stitches on every alternate row, then you split them. I my case I had 122 stitches. I left 61 on an extremely long stitch holder (which I'm terrified won't hold), then knit across the remaining 61 stitches and cast on 60 more. Now I'm decreasing two stitches on every alternate row at the centre of the working part, obsessively checking the stitch holder and have a shape that can best be described as 'odd', or possibly 'eldritch'. Once I've decreased to the end, I'll cast off and then do the same with the stitches on the holder, but as a mirror image. 

I still have the planner but I didn't look at it today as I was obsessing over the shawl. 

Hugs and good health to all. 

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