
Thursday 20 June 2024

A Few Steps

I had to take DH's boots back. He had them re-soled in the beginning of May but the new soles had already split. I found the walking quite tough, even if it was only a few yards. 

I don't know exactly how to get more movement. That sounds silly, but it's hard for me to push physical movement and, as I can't go far, I can see me walking in circles around the living room. I'll share how I go on, but I know that when I was trying to walk more in the park a few years ago, it didn't really get much easier. 

Still, when I got back, I had a chance to take a pic of Gladys, who is producing huge flowers.

I've got rid of some of the wild growth.

And you can now see the very small tree that was being smothered. But this is the next plant that I should get rid of, and I don't want to. It looks so bright and cheerful. 

I've seen photo evidence and bear seems to be having a good time. It's felt a little odd without him here, but DH and I have managed.

Hugs and good health to all. 

But it gets in the way of clearing other stuff and one of the big reasons I need to clear out the plants is that the rats are showing up again and I need to reduce cover for their runs. 

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