
Wednesday 12 June 2024

Cold for June

The cold weather continues. I'm unimpressed. I feel very down in the dumps and it's hard for me to get motivated.

Bear's preparations for his Duke of Edinburgh continue. I swear that they're never going to end. I think that the only thing remaining is the food which is being discussed with his friends tomorrow. I am so looking forward to him getting out there and the whole preparation thing finally being finished. Then all we need to do is to stash everything away somewhere that we know we'll find it next year. 

I watched the Sewing Bee last night and I was a little lukewarm about it. It seems a little flat. I don't want to be too much of a hypocrite. I can sew anything like as well as the contestants and I still don't trust my sewing machine, but I just wish that there was more that I could drool over. There have been some amazing creations this season, but they seem to have been more spread out. Of course, it could be me as I'm definitely more grumpy than normal at the moment. 

Writing stuff - I've started a new story on Royal Road called Cookies and Carburettors. As I'm not brilliant at baking and I don't know a gasket from an oil pan, I may be over reaching. You can read my excuses on my blog here

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. It's been a fairly cool spring, here, too, and just starting to warm up. I hope the weather improves for you and you feel better and more motivated. Hope the final leg of preparations for bear's trip goes smoothly and it all works out well. Take care of yourself, too.

    1. Bear's preparations are turning into a three act Shakesperian Drama and driving me nuts! It's a strange thing - it's unseasonally cool with us and you but India has been suffering from extreme high temperatures. What a contrast.

  2. The ongoing cold weather and other things, have been getting me down too… still have heating on! I’ve been watching the sewing bee, but this week I’ve been watching about Foundlings and the search about their parents/relatives. Very moving…look after yourself xx Mary

    1. The weather's insidiously depressing. I'll complain when it gets warm, but I'm not enjoying this at all. Take care.
