
Tuesday, 4 February 2025

I May Need More Vitamins

I didn't post anything yesterday as I was roughly at the stage of 'toddler-about-to-throw-epic-trantrum' tired. 

I'd been knitting that scarf/wrap out of the book my wonderful DH bought me and I'd gone wrong.

I couldn't work out where I'd made the mistake. It was just one stitch, but it was fiddly to see and it's hard to tell from the knitting. I was ready to cry. 

To be honest, I'm reconsidering it a little as the pattern is nice, but it's a little wide for me for a scarf. I have 700g of yarn from the same pack and I can feel a basic blanket calling me. Last night, I decided that I wasn't in a fit state to make a decision and I was looking for the hat I'd started for the Mission to Seafarers when I found the fanciest yarn I own.

It's 70% Falklands Wool and 30% British Alpaca. A scarf that is definitely for me has been started, just a 3x3 broken rib, and to my surprise, the yarn feels stiffer than the acrylic of the colourful blanket. I suspect it will be better for a wash, but I'm not blocking it. The scarf is likely to be over five feet long and I don't have anywhere that I could pin it. 

We went to feed the crows this morning. There were plenty of crows and magpies but no jackdaws today. It surprised me how busy it was in the car park, but I saw at least three dog walkers with a crowd of dogs and plenty of parents with small kids. I should really take pics of the birds. They are fascinating to watch, with such a presence.

I still feel utterly drained, and I still haven't planted those dratted chillies. I think once they're done, I'll stagger a lap of honour around the living room. 

Writing stuff - I published the next chapter from the White Hart yesterday and you can find it here.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I gave up knitting. It was a little frustrating. Though, in truth, I haven't felt at all crafty lately. It feels a little strange as I still can't seem to rid myself of the craft stash I have accumulated lol.
    I think about taking vitamins again, but the last time I did they made me feel horrible.

    1. Sending hugs. It seems like the crafting is a huge block to you, something that seems big and that stops you getting on with things that you want to do. I hope you can work things out.

  2. I wouldn't worry too much about making a 1 stitch mistake in the knitting - if it is 1 stitch more than what you should have, just knit two together at the end of one row. If it is 1 stitch less, then, make another stitch. It might throw the pattern off just a bit, but, shouldn't be too noticeable, I think. The wool and alpaca yarn sounds lovely and warm. :)

    1. I know that you're right, but it niggles at me too much, like a tiny stone in a shoe. The yarn feels lovely.

    2. In that case, I guess you will have to undo the knitting. :)

    3. I know exactly what you mean. I'm forever pulling back rows if I notice a tiny mistake

    4. It just niggles at me so much. I'm considering options, including abandonment.
