As a reminder to myself, here is the hat I knitted years ago. It's still soft, fluffy and wonderfully warm.
So some of my knitting really does come in useful. I snuggled down with a blanket I knitted on my lap, the fluffy hat on my head and a sense of peace.
Writing stuff - I think that I wrote that there was a call for submissions where the guidelines were wonderful but I only had a day or two to write the story, and I wasn't expecting it to be accepted? It wasn't accepted and I understand why. It was set in the world of Out of the London Mist and it's hard for something like that to fit an anthology as a standalone story. I'm half tempted to bung it on my writing blog, but it's near enough 4,000 words which is a big story to read online like that. I could definitely expand it to novella size, which is around 10,000 words and publish it on Amazon, but I'm easily distracted and it would potentially take me away from other stuff that I'd like to do. I found four places where I could submit stories from Authors Publish magazine which is a free ezine and I've found very helpful. As ever, I find a potential place then try and write to order, which means I've got around 30,000 words to write before the end of the month, plus some interesting research, just for those. By the time I've finished those (if I even get it finished), I'll probably have forgotten all about it. Whatever I decide, if I do something, I'll share.
Hugs and good health to all.
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