
Sunday 12 September 2021

I Love a Quiet Sunday

There has been no drama, no chaos and nothing unexpected. I got a little writing done, a lot of knitting and watched 'Analyse This' with DH this afternoon.

The honeysuckle has been stripped of its berries by the birds and is looking very leafless. I noticed it when I went to the bin this afternoon. I suspect it is the rust rather than autumn, though all bets are off this year.

I had a go at a different take on potatoes - peeled, diced, stirred with chopped onions and pesto, and microwaved covered for twenty minutes. They came out okay, but I think I'll try adding the pesto at the end next time. 

I think I'll settle in for a nice early night. Bear is off school tomorrow, but I have no idea what I'm going to do with the extra time. Fingers crossed that I'll be productive. 

Hugs and good health to all.

(I think I'll start taking a proper picture every day and seeing how I can get better. The one above is rubbish)

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