
Sunday 21 April 2024

Getting Better

I've definitely been under the weather with the cellulitis, and I seem to also have caught a cold. I'm also a little tired after running around after bear's social life. Bear's Friday night meet up meant that I picked him up after midnight, very early Saturday morning. I didn't mind that too much. I got to call in to Tesco very late which fascinated me. I got this pic, but I could have got better ones. 

Despite the pic, the store was far from empty and the staff were restocking the shelves with boxes and packaging everywhere. If I want the marked down items, I should get there between around 8am and 9am. Sometime in the evening, the items going out of date are donated so going in late means that you don't get the bargains. It's still a nice to wander round and see how things work. Of course, my back went half way through self-scanning and I almost didn't manage to finish the shopping before picking up bear. 

Yesterday I took bear to his social engagement. All I can say is thank goodness it was overnight because it took an hour to drive there, an hour to drive back and part of the route was tricky in the extreme. He got the bus home this morning. He seems to have had a good time. 

DH has been watching Gordon Ramsay, and as a result is having a lot of fun cooking on Sunday. We had Beef Wellington today and DH did a wonderful job. We got ready made, gluten free puff pastry, but he did all the rest himself. He even made a thing of mushrooms, onions, red wine and honey that tasted amazing. He's having so much fun that I expect that he and bear will be disappearing together quite a bit - bear is his willing assistant! I wonder what we'll eat next. I need to be canny as DH has pasta bake between Monday and Thursday so I need to make sure that I use up the extra bits of salad and herbs and stuff over the week - and that's not a bad challenge to have.

Hugs and good health to all. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Glad you are getting better and bear is having fun. How lovely to have DH prepare dinner on Sundays!

  2. Oh goodness… I hope you pick up soon…

    How lovely that you had an enjoyable meal cooked by DH. Sometimes you need to perk your appetite up by eating food someone else has prepared.

    You are getting on famously with your knitting - and super speedy too!

    Love Mary xxx
