
Monday, 17 February 2025

I Planted Some More Chillies

I can tell that this blog is going to be sooooo about chillies, at least for the next week or so, and then heaven knows how it will go. 

We have one sprout!!!

It may not look much, but I'm thrilled! There were five seeds planted in there, so I'm feeling okay about buying extra seeds as we may need them. 

There were five seeds left over from the original pack, so I got them out, assembled the plant pots and settled down. I was quite pleased with the pots - they fit on our tiny windowsill. 

So I planted up the five seeds. I couldn't remember what they were called, so I labelled it Chilli One.

I planted two or three to a pot and by the time I'd planted the seeds from Chilli One and the Habanero and Cayenne seeds from this pack

I had eight little pots and I'd run out of the little saucers. They're on the windowsill now, and I'm wondering what I can do about the saucers for the rest. I may even try little freezer bags or sandwich bags, just to keep the damp off the windowsill. The pots aren't getting soaked, so it's not like they're going to shed a lot of water.

Those who have a track record of actually growing things will find this hilarious, but it's such a big adventure to me, especially as it's the highlight of the day. I'm still full of cold and huffing and puffing and not moving much. But at least I got those few chillies planted. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. One sprout for mankind!! The Plot or the Pot thickens,and Chillie Gate moves on to another dimension!
    Seriously though it’s amazing when you have
    a little seedling sprout, you can almost feel maternal as you watch it’s little green head appear and fills you with pride to see it grow!!

    1. I love your comments - they make me smile!

      Thank you. I found myself going back again and again to check it!

  2. Well done!
    I have a terrible track record of growing anything so I'm really excited for you!

    1. My track record isn't brilliant either, so I'm hoping I get it right this time.

  3. I absolutely love reading about people growing things. If you are comfortable giving me your address I'll send you some fancy tomato seeds.

    1. I am so tempted to send you my address - of course I trust you! I have a strong lack of faith in my ability to do anything sensible with the seeds plus I'm worried about space. Mind you, I'm mentally rearranging the furniture to get the plants set up . I don't want to put stuff in the garden because of the rats.

    2. My friend was absolutely plagued with rats last year. Every time she set the trap in her garden she caught one. Ten in one day
      We thought rats were supposed to be intelligent but these clearly weren't

  4. Yay! You have one chili seed already sprouted! That was fast! Give it another couple of days and you might find the rest of the seeds in that pot will have sprouted, too! And, it IS a big deal! I am always thrilled whenever a seed I've planted starts to grow.
    If you have any foil baking trays that are narrow enough to fit on the window sill or plastic lids on hand, you could use them as saucers for the pots. Maybe some lids from old jar candles that you no longer need? I'm looking forward to reading all about your chili plantation! :D

    1. I have had a rummage and found some plastic trays - thank you!
