
Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Not Even Much About Chillies

I've had another very dull day. I've dithered between a dozen different things that I should be doing and failed to accomplish much at all. 

One thing, this blog can really help me, as I've decided that tomorrow I need to do something - anything - worth blogging about and with pictures, no matter how badly taken. 

For those who know these things, I followed the directions and sprinkled the seeds onto the coir soup and I now have this.

They look awfully crowded. When do I transplant them? If I wait for them to get more leaves, they're going to be seriously congested - aren't they? All advice welcome.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. If you want to transplant your seedlings, you are better to wait until they have at least one set of true leaves, which will look more like chilli plant leaves. If you just want to thin them out a bit you could do it now, but very carefully so as not to disturb the roots of the plants you are keeping. Good luck. Frances

    1. Thank you! I'll wait and see what happens, then. I really appreciate all advice.

  2. I'd wait until the first set of true leaves have grown, but, someone else might have different ideas.

    1. I'm grateful for all ideas! You make sense, it's just that I'm expert at dithering.

  3. Hi I would leave them a couple of weeks more, then transplant into plastic cups like coffee cups until they look stronger, then move to small plant pots for a a few weeks, then plant in the hound/ bigger pots etc waiting for the fruits to appear for picking! You can grow them in a greenhouse or sheltered spot, even on window fills!
    Hopefully you will be fruitful and get a glut to tantalise the male tastebuds! Good luck x

    1. Thank you - I have some pots and plans set up ready, once I feel ready. I really hope that we get a glut!

  4. I know what you mean about doing nothing. I feel like that's been me the last couple of days lol

  5. Hallo, man pflanzt erst um, wenn es vier Blätter hat. Dann hält man sie an den ersten zwei Blättern und setzt jeweils eine Pflanze tiefer in ein Töpfchen. Nicht an den neuen Blättern anfassen. Viele Grüße aus Germany.

    1. Vielen Dank für Ihren guten Rat. Er ist wirklich hilfreich. Wie Sie sehen, weiß ich nicht viel. Ich hoffe, dass Sie mir in Zukunft Ratschläge geben können.

      (Ich musste Google Translate verwenden, da ich mich schäme, dass ich keine anderen Sprachen kann. Ich hoffe, ich habe keine schlimmen Fehler gemacht.)
