
Friday, 21 February 2025

Slightly More Sane

Yesterday took it out of me in strange ways. I suspect that my laptop is on the fritz. A lot of letters are malfunctioning, it's lagging, loading odd pages and regularly losing internet. I suspect that I need a new laptop, but I don't want to spend the money. I'll consider my options.

Sprouts continue.

Those are pretty awful pictures, but I failed to take them during daylight hours. If every seed sprouts, I'll have over a hundred chilli plants. On the one hand, DH and bear between them will absolutely eat those chillies. And I know a couple of places that would accept a chilli plant or two. But I'm going to run out of windowsill room pretty quickly. 

Yesterday was odd. I browsed the web, posted something that I'd sold on eBay, did a few fragments of housewifery and still wrote just shy of 5,000 words - and that includes having to deal with sticking keys as I type and American spelling. To be clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with American spelling, but I'm British and I'm not used to it, so it takes up extra mental space as I'm writing. It was for a submission to an anthology, and I think that I may have mostly hit the target, but I'm concerned about the pacing. Regardless, it's one of those where if it doesn't get accepted then I'll put it on my writing blog. The revalation about yesterday is that it's plausible for me to write that amount. Now that I know that I can do it, I have to ask, what's stopping me writing that amount regularly? Trust me, there's no shortage of ideas.

Today was dull. I can't plant anymore chillies until I make sure that the pots can find places so I was considering my options. There will have to be some reorganisation but then I can start planting again. I made a nice beef casserole for dinner, which DH and bear very much enjoyed. The dinner we have planned for Sunday is vegetarian, and I try and give a contrast on Friday. It was some lean casserole beef that was delivered with today's groceries, with onion, carrot, celery, and mushroom that I'd chopped and frozen to make the most of left overs or deals. With a little garlic powder, herbs and a couple of stock cubes, it turned out really well. 

There are times when I really appreciate those veggies in the freezer. All the prep is done, I can just bung them in without worrying about additives or waste. Looking at the way my freezer is stuffed, I could do with a second freezer. One would hold pre-soaked/cooked dried beans, parcelled up and ready to be dropped into all sorts of casseroles and soups, together with all the frozen, chopped veggies from the deals and leftovers. The other would hold things like frozen mince, the frozen salt and pepper chips that the men like, the ready meals that bear enjoys and the sausages and chicken that are ready to cook from frozen for a quick meal. It would make my life considerably easier.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. It sounds like a really productive day! Well done on the seedlings. I'm envious. Sorry about the computer. Hope it sorts itself out.

    1. Thank you. I'm so giddy about the seedlings, but fretting about keeping them alive.

  2. How lovely to see the chili seedlings coming up. Hope they all grow well. Your beef casserole sounds delicious. Maybe you should consider getting a second freezer. Especially if you plan to freeze any of the chilies you will be harvesting from your 100+ plants! :D

    1. If all the seedlings come up, I'll absolutely need a second freezer : )

  3. Are you going to keep your Chillies inside? Or eventually plant outside?you could buy one of those plastic small greenhouses and plant the rest of the seeds out in a month or so!!

    1. Planting outside has issues with rats and theft. But it may be worth a go with enough seedlings.
