Here is my tube scarf being modeled by a toy penguin.
And I did it. I made something with the sewing machine. It was easy stuff, the main problem I had was turning the dratted thing right side out after I had sewn the ends together. The principle is that you make a tube, sew the ends together and have a circle of fabric that you can wear casually around your neck. I used the old duvet that I got from a charity shop and didn't use half of it. The material had had all the fight washed out of it a long time ago, and was very easy to work with.
I also found that the disappearing pen that I had had such high hopes for after my struggle with tailor's chalk wasn't ideal. By the time I had finished working out what the heck I should be doing and put the final marks on, the first marks I made had disappeared. I suppose they're supposed to, but darn it, it wasn't helpful. I used pins to mark, but I was tempted to use biro.
I am seriously considering making one from fleece for the winter. If I decide against using any of the fleece I already have, or if I have already used it, I shall pay a visit to IKEA, because as far as I can tell the fleece that is currently selling for £3 will be a brilliant amount of fabric.
Okay, what do I make next...
Well done Syb!