DH and bear went off and had a lovely weekend (and they deserved it!) so I thought I would sit back and enjoy myself. For once I had YouTube going in the background without wearing headphones.
This meant that I could hear what the people in the house attached to our back wall were screaming. I'm no stranger to drama with the neighbours, but this was a little more intense. It was a woman screaming at someone who had tried to set their bathroom on fire. And apparently, listening to her side of the conversation, it's a bad habit of whoever she was screaming at which got them into trouble in their last house. She kept trying to get their lighter from them.
In the years I've lived here, I've seen a lot of drama. I've seen some cracking arguments (I've stayed mainly out of it), some serious drunken monologues, and some X-rated shennanigans that I really wish I could forget. There has been all sorts of fun drama, like when a kid stole their stepfather's uninsured car, reversed it at speed and demolished our front wall from one side of the house to the other (over two car lengths) and wrote off the wrought iron gate (and the uninsured, not paid for, almost new car). I've called the police on a few fights and a domestic violence situation. There was the couple a few years ago who were convicted of child abuse, there's been an alleged drug dealer (who was always perfectly pleasant to me) and there was a serious assault with a knife three doors down which we missed because we kept our curtains shut at night. An arsonist is a new one.
I'm feeling a little stressed by it all. I have actually smelled burning in the past but put it down to incense/candles/imagination. I wish I felt more confident. Mind you, they were also yelling about hating the house and wanting to move. I would be happy to wish them bon voyage. The previous tenants were the reason we got CCTV. The best neighbours we had in that house was a marijuana farm that was only discovered when there was a water leak. I know that, whatever you think of weed, the organised crime gets caught up with things like people trafficking, extortion, violence and counterfeit goods, and it's not a good thing, but it was lovely and quiet.
I have to tell the truth and say that the current neighbours on our side of the block are absolutely lovely and not a problem at all. I want them all to stay neighbours forever. And there have been some amazing neighbours in the past, like lovely Mr Next Door who held down evil cat when the vet visited as he had welding gloves (which were completely needed) and fed her when we were on holiday. I have some wonderful memories of some of the neighbours - including the neighbours who used to carry a sofa from one house at the back to another at the front and back again on a regular basis. I used to glance out the window and see it go past again. They did that with a washing machine as well. I remained baffled but entertained.
So I am a little stressed. However bear came home with an interest in guacamole and salsa (I can't make either) and was happy to tuck into a bowl of couscous with chopped tomatoes, onion and coriander, so that was a win. Normally he won't eat when he gets home, but I'm hoping a few fresh-tasting, smaller bowls like that will give him a good nutritional boost before bedtime. Now is the time for me to come to terms with avocadoes.
I normally post flash fiction on Mondays, but I haven't really managed anything, what with one thing and another. I'll have a go later in the week.
Hugs and good health to all.