I can't believe I went out and bought a handbag.
I've previously blogged about the time I accidentally bought about twenty of the things, after slipping up with my friend eBay (again). However father helped himself to a fair amount for his lady friends, I've worn out a few and now I need a bigger, sturdier bag to replace the current one where the stitching is going.
I can't believe how much I spent on the handbag. It is the most I have ever spent, it cost more than the accidental twenty handbags from eBay and definitely more than the last time I bought a bag for wedding (before bear was born). It was £24.99.
I had looked on ebay, but saw nothing. I had sort of paused next to the handbag stands in the shopping centres as I was diving past, but never really wanted anything. I can't think why I called in to TK Maxx as I don't think it is a safe place as I spend money. I got this.
Apparently it originally cost £100 and is a Yoshi handbag. It is a nice size, feels okay to lift and, very important, has a zipped space to protect my purse. There is a website, and it is apparently leather and made in Leicester.
It should be fine when I am dragging bear out to his activities. There is plenty of space for my purse, kindle, wipes, tissues, phone, bottle of water, snack, bus pass, rubbish, nail scissors, comb, etc, etc, etc. I will see how long it lasts.
I suppose I mistrust TK Maxx because around two years ago I went in there with bear and ended up buying a pair of Bench jeans for him for £14.99 and found it incredibly traumatic spending that amount on a pair of child's jeans. He is wearing the same pair today, they are still long enough as they had turn ups built in which have been turned down. They are showing some signs of wear, but I haven't washed them separately or treated them with particular care and the fabric has been fine. They will see bear out this summer, possibly drag along to Christmas, and have been solid, comfy and looked good all this time. I suppose I'll get the same again next time he needs jeans. Darn it.
Wean - thank you for your kind comment. I am not sure I deserve it, but I do think there is a lot of fun around if you look.
Hand bags are expensive, aren't they? But you seem to have bought a very nice, high quality one. I'm sure you'll get good use out of it.