
Thursday, 28 November 2024

Looking for the Positive

We were supposed to get our fridge today, delivered some time between three and five in the afternoon. The poor delivery guys eventually turned up at 7pm and left around 8.30pm, taking the new fridge back with them. We need to have the door reversed because of the layout of the kitchen, and when the nice man did it, the whole thing went wrong. I'll find out tomorrow when we can expect the replacement. 

There were elements of a farce in it, as the guy rang up colleagues who were helpfully suggesting that he bang bits of the hardware on the kerb, even though said bit of hardware couldn't be detatched. 

It does seem like 'normal for me' to have a fridge delivery be a complete disaster. 

Bear still hasn't heard back from a couple of universities and he may not have done enough in his TMUA exam to get into Warwick. On the bright side, he did well at a computer thingy. 

I'm currently shattered and aching and I plan to knit for half an hour and then go to bed.

Also, I've lost my car keys and I've no idea where. We have DH's key, but we're missing mine and I'm turning the place upside down for them. On the bright side, I've got rid of quite a lot of rubbish that I dug out. Still, the keys have vanished!

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Sorry about the new fridge needing to be replaced! Hope that gets resolved soon. Hope bear hears back from those other universities and his test scores are good enough to be accepted to the university he would like to go to. Wishing him the best. Hope you find your car keys, soon. Maybe ask St. Anthony to help you find them.

  2. Ack that does sound like quite the debacle with the fridge! Hopefully you didn't throw the keys out with the rubbish! Hope you find them soon.

    1. Thank you! I was so glad when they turned up!
