Thursday, 27 February 2025
A Little Drama
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Not Even Much About Chillies
I've had another very dull day. I've dithered between a dozen different things that I should be doing and failed to accomplish much at all.
One thing, this blog can really help me, as I've decided that tomorrow I need to do something - anything - worth blogging about and with pictures, no matter how badly taken.
For those who know these things, I followed the directions and sprinkled the seeds onto the coir soup and I now have this.
Monday, 24 February 2025
I Take Rubbish Pictures
I did all sorts of stuff over the weekend, but I didn't post because I felt that I hadn't done much - and one of the reasons was because I didn't take pics! Today I have taken some pics, but they're not brilliant. But I'm determined to post. I'll try and share all the stuff that's happened.
On Saturday we went to feed the crows and they were very enthusiastic. There's something incredibly soothing about that car park. I know that doesn't make sense, but it's an incredibly relaxing place. We had a really calm time chilling out together.
On Sunday, I know that I did stuff but I can't remember much for the life of me. We had Mejadra for dinner - green lentils and rice with onions and spices. When I say spices, I mean spices. The Tesco recipe calls for one teaspoon of ground cumin, two teaspoons of ground coriander, half a teaspoon of turmeric, one teaspoon of allspice and one teaspoon of cinnamon for 200g of rice and 125g of green lentils - and it wasn't overspiced at all! I get the impression, from looking around the internet, that it's one of those old recipes that go back centuries and that every family has their own take on the dish. What is even better, the website costed this at 38p per serving! I didn't check, but it seems plausible. I'm considering making a large pot of it and storing it in the fridge to eat all week. We had fancy peas with it as well. A word to the wise - if you use this recipe, you end up with far more butter than you need.
Then I took bear to meet up with his friends at the pub where he usually goes to for the pub quiz. The pub is changing hands and no-one is sure what is going to happen. Sunday was the last night of the current landlords so bear went with his pals to mark the occasion. As I dropped him off at 6pm and expected to pick him up at 10pm or later, I came home, but I left early and got quite a bit of scarf knitted.
Today I'm in pain. Both hips are complaining. However while I've not achieved what I thing I should have, I have managed a few things. A surprising amount is connected with those chillies.
I'm twitchy about planting out the chillies, even in pots. First of all, there is the rat problem, but the spice in chillies was evolved to deter mammals so as long as I only put mature plants out, I'm fairly confident that they would survive the rats/pigeons/sparrows/mice etc However we don't have a back garden, the front garden is tiny and we live in a deprived area. The chance of chillies getting stolen is regrettably high.
I had a think about this. First, my garden is a disaster area. Second, it will take a lot of effort to get things planted out. Third, I could just plant out some of the chillies. Fourth, I need to get my act together regarding the garden. I took some pics of the garden, but they weren't brilliant. This is the starting point.
There is so much to do. There is ivy, plus brambles, plus buttercups. Not to mention enough dandelions to feed an army of rabbits. Today I started to prune Gladys, the fuschia. It always needs to be cut back to allow new growth, and today I was proactive.
See - not a clear picture, but I hope that you can see that inroads were made. I also cut back the branch of the white rose that was overhanging onto the path.
Both my hips were really painful, but it's incredibly good for me to keep at least trying to move. I'm posting these pictures as a way to encourage myself. I've not got good pictures of the 'tree through the year' idea. However, I can at least show a pic once a month of what is happening in the garden.
Writing stuff - first of all, Connections eMagazine came out and you can find it here. It has fiction (including a short by yours truly), articles, reviews and even a recipe. I've also posted a new instalment from the White Hart here.
Hugs and good health to all.
Friday, 21 February 2025
Slightly More Sane
Yesterday took it out of me in strange ways. I suspect that my laptop is on the fritz. A lot of letters are malfunctioning, it's lagging, loading odd pages and regularly losing internet. I suspect that I need a new laptop, but I don't want to spend the money. I'll consider my options.
Sprouts continue.
Those are pretty awful pictures, but I failed to take them during daylight hours. If every seed sprouts, I'll have over a hundred chilli plants. On the one hand, DH and bear between them will absolutely eat those chillies. And I know a couple of places that would accept a chilli plant or two. But I'm going to run out of windowsill room pretty quickly.
Yesterday was odd. I browsed the web, posted something that I'd sold on eBay, did a few fragments of housewifery and still wrote just shy of 5,000 words - and that includes having to deal with sticking keys as I type and American spelling. To be clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with American spelling, but I'm British and I'm not used to it, so it takes up extra mental space as I'm writing. It was for a submission to an anthology, and I think that I may have mostly hit the target, but I'm concerned about the pacing. Regardless, it's one of those where if it doesn't get accepted then I'll put it on my writing blog. The revalation about yesterday is that it's plausible for me to write that amount. Now that I know that I can do it, I have to ask, what's stopping me writing that amount regularly? Trust me, there's no shortage of ideas.
Today was dull. I can't plant anymore chillies until I make sure that the pots can find places so I was considering my options. There will have to be some reorganisation but then I can start planting again. I made a nice beef casserole for dinner, which DH and bear very much enjoyed. The dinner we have planned for Sunday is vegetarian, and I try and give a contrast on Friday. It was some lean casserole beef that was delivered with today's groceries, with onion, carrot, celery, and mushroom that I'd chopped and frozen to make the most of left overs or deals. With a little garlic powder, herbs and a couple of stock cubes, it turned out really well.
There are times when I really appreciate those veggies in the freezer. All the prep is done, I can just bung them in without worrying about additives or waste. Looking at the way my freezer is stuffed, I could do with a second freezer. One would hold pre-soaked/cooked dried beans, parcelled up and ready to be dropped into all sorts of casseroles and soups, together with all the frozen, chopped veggies from the deals and leftovers. The other would hold things like frozen mince, the frozen salt and pepper chips that the men like, the ready meals that bear enjoys and the sausages and chicken that are ready to cook from frozen for a quick meal. It would make my life considerably easier.
Hugs and good health to all.
Thursday, 20 February 2025
I wrote just under five thousand words for a fiction submission today. I'll be back tomorrow when I've stopped floating on the ceiling.
A Long Day
I was up early. Bear was going to a university open day and had to leave early. DH was driving him the 250 miles there and back, which was heroic of him, and I wanted to see them off.
Do you remember that I had the check tyre light come on and the garage replaced a tyre? The check tyre light came on before they'd gone a mile, but they were fine. My car, Red, apparently drove wonderfully on the motorway, zoomed along at 70mph and, as they filled up just after they left the house, did it all on around a quarter of a tank of petrol. And with the check tyre light on.
I've spent the day struggling with some writing, but I did take two pics of sprouting seeds. Another sprout is showing next to the first.
And I suspect more may be coming. There are also hints for the cayenne that I planted in the soggy coir.
I have nowhere to put the plants if they all sprout. Though, to be honest, that's not a bad problem to have.
Bear had an amazing time. He had a chance to look around accomodation and make some decisions about what he wanted to apply for. DH said that the facilities and buildings were amazing. I hope that he gets there. It's his first choice now, and if he gets the same marks that he's been getting for the last two years then he should be fine.
They got home around 6.20pm and then I took bear out at 7pm as he wanted to go to the pub quiz. It was the last one as new management were taking over. The same gang had been going there since July 2023, and they aren't sure where they'll end up going, if anywhere, so it was a big deal. What with one thing and another, I didn't get to pick him up until 11pm. I am now offically exhausted and so is bear. And I suspect that I must have used nearly an eighth of a tank just on the 30 miles or so I drove in town traffic.
Hugs and good health to all.
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Dull as the Weather
Another day when nothing much happened. I'm struggling with some writing and I've been ignoring anything else.
I had a Tesco delivery today, an extra one as it's half term, and I had a rummage and added this to the order.
And my dratted keyboard is playing up again. It's the letter 'F' that's sticking which is an absolute nuisance but not as bad as 'N', which has recovered nicely.
Hugs and good health to all.
Monday, 17 February 2025
I Planted Some More Chillies
I can tell that this blog is going to be sooooo about chillies, at least for the next week or so, and then heaven knows how it will go.
We have one sprout!!!
It may not look much, but I'm thrilled! There were five seeds planted in there, so I'm feeling okay about buying extra seeds as we may need them.
There were five seeds left over from the original pack, so I got them out, assembled the plant pots and settled down. I was quite pleased with the pots - they fit on our tiny windowsill.
Saturday, 15 February 2025
All Sort of Grey
The weather has been pretty grey and dull and that seems to be the pattern for today.
We went to feed the corvids. There were a lot of magpies, maybe as much as a dozen, and there were plenty of crows as well, all happily diving on the food.
We were a little subversive while we were there. We scattered some seed balls around the edges of the car park. These are little balls of clay containing wildflower seeds, a little nutrition and some chilli to deter predators that are supposed to be just thrown onto the soil and contain wild flowers. You can get them from Seedball and we threw out the bee and bat friendly balls in places where they don't mow. Nothing may happen - there are a lot of birds around, not to mention all the voles and similar that must be in that overgrown place - but it would be lovely to go back and see flowers that we encouraged.
While I was there, I was knitting the scarf with the fancy wool and alpaca yarn. I looked at it and realised that I would never wear it. It just wasn't working for me. I considered about selling or donating the yarn, but decided to knit one of the scarves for the Mission to Seafarers. That way, I'd get the very real pleasure of knitting with the yarn and I'd have the comfort of someone out there hopefully benefitting from it. I had got this far...
Then I unravelled it and now I'm so far...
And I'm finding it wonderfully relaxing to knit.
I asked myself - what do I enjoy about knitting? It's not the finished project. It's the process of knitting. It's not the destination but the journey. I'm going to try and keep to that yardstick to make decisions about the whole knitting thing.
Hugs and good health to all.
Friday, 14 February 2025
Not Quite Busy
Thursday, 13 February 2025
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Lacking a Silver Lining
I slept through a Tesco delivery this morning. I'm not sure how I managed it. It was a whisker early, just before 9am, and DH was an absolute saint and brought it all in, stowed the frozen and chilled and let me sleep. I feel dreadful about it.
I only wanted the delivery because I'm not good about going out at the moment. You can find me by tracking the tissues that I seem to be shedding all over the house. I'm on my fourth box at the moment. I needed a few bits and I took advantage of some coupons - not as good as Bless, though. I managed to take the bill from £53.17 to £48.56. It was stuff that I wanted/needed so I'm not too stressed about getting extra.
I haven't been productive today. The only instance of productivity is checking in on a publishing house. There was a call for submissions and the formatting is quite strict - and in inches. My set up is in metric. I checked to see if they'd accept my 'near as I could manage it' formatting and they were really sweet getting back to me. Even if they don't accept my yet-to-be written story, I'll probably still buy that issue and recommend it here. They were lovely. Publishers aren't always lovely to writers that they don't know so when I get a kind response, it makes a difference. It's not much of a silver lining on a day when I've been spectacularly ineffective.
As I haven't taken a pic, I had a rummage.
It took this back in 2021, when I could walk so much better. It made me think of all sorts of stories. I need to get back to that.
I'm determined to do more tomorrow.
Hugs and good health to all.
Monday, 10 February 2025
Chilli Confusion Continues
Let's be honest, I haven't a clue what I'm doing. I've watched a few YouTube videos but I'm not sure that they're the hands on knowledge I could do with. This morning I decided to try planting these.
My track record for dexterity isn't brilliant. I have no faith that I could fit the coir plus seeds into tiny plastic thingies that get shoved into small cardboard slots and then how would the seedlings grow to a size to easily transplant?. I could see it all going very, very wrong. So I've decided to get hold of some plant pots and follow the instructions for the first lot of chillies that I planted. In theory I could get hold of some plastic bottles and cut the bottom bit off and use that, but I'd want to paint it to cut out the light so that the soil didn't turn green around the edges and down the sides, and that would mean digging out paint and waiting until I got around to it, and before you know it, October would be here so I'm spending money on inexpensive plant pots. I don't know what the germination rate is likely to be, but as far as I can tell I have fifty seeds so fingers crossed that I should get something.
I'm also going to plant the seeds left over from the first batch. There are around five, and they're not exactly properly sealed.
I hope they'll be okay if I get them planted this week.
I know that there are loads of competent gardeners reading this who must wonder why I'm making such a fuss. But apart from some microgreens and some cress, I don't think that I've ever grown anything from seed and I have killed a lot of plants. Not only that, this is a really big deal for DH. I'd also love to be able to send bear away to university with some home made, home grown pickled chillies. It's such a voyage for me, so I'm grateful for all the comments and encouragement.
In other news, I bought a candle.
I absolutely do not need a candle. I have dozens of candles, stacks of them, we are totally stocked with candles. This cost £8.99 and I did not need it! I had a Morrisons order come this morning. When I'm feeling well, I am in a rut of Morrisons on Monday (minimum spend £25) and Friday is Tesco (minimum spend for free delivery £50). I'd seen this advertised on Facebook, and I was drawn in. I love candles and I adore this sort of blue and white design. I did my usual and added it to the order with a view to going through and taking it off the day before. I book the deliveries in advance and I adjust the order as I go through the week, carefully paring it down. Being full of cold, I missed the chance to take it off. And it isn't even scented. It's a lovely pot, though. The way things are going, it could end up holding a chilli plant.
Writing stuff - My brain is as bunged up as my sinuses with this dratted cold, so instead of posting the next White Hart instalment, I've reposted one of my favourites that I wrote during the pandemic here.
Hugs and good health to all.
Disappointing Day
First of all, the dratted cold continues. I had a rough night with strange dreams where I couldn't find my knitting. I was searching all over Tesco and rummaging under escalators. I woke up exhausted by it.
I sniffled through today and got very little done apart from unravelling the previous knitting and casting on a different project.
And dinner was something of a disappointment. We try a new recipe most Sundays and this one was Veggie Baked Noodles which had tofu along with ginger, garlic, chilli and veggies, but it came out bland and we won't be doing it again.
Then I sniffled through the rest of the evening. I'm determined to manage more tomorrow.
Hugs and good health to all.
Saturday, 8 February 2025
Cold Continues
I'm festering in a pile of tissues. I'll do more tomorrow.
I'm craving some very basic knitting and I'd seen Cherie's awesome shrugs and I was inspired to do something completely different. I feel the cold and I wanted another layer that was loose and could go over a sweater or something. I found one of those patterns where you basically knit a rectangle, fold it in half, seam halfway up the sides and call the gaps armholes. I mentally rearranged the pattern, adding a few stitches to the amount cast on as I was using yarn that was completely different to the pattern but was handy. I wanted something mindless, and this was two by two rib followed by stocking or stockinette stitch. I cast on 180 stitches (I'm a large lass) and pootled along for some 2x2 rib. After a while, I looked at the knitting, tried it against my shoulders, and it wasn't big enough. I mean, I would fit into it, but it wouldn't be loose enough to go over sweaters or allow for movement.
I'm still wondering what I should do. There's a serious investment in 2x2 rib, which I loathe, but I'm inclined to rip it all out, cast on a load of stitches, plain knit to the end of the yarn and cast off. I know that I'd find it incredibly relaxing and I've other projects that I can follow if I want to do something that needs more attention.
I also have a very large piece of fleece that could be adapted to something similar, which would save me having to cast on a gazillion stitches and hope for the best.
Hugs and good health to all.
Friday, 7 February 2025
I Have a Cold
Both bear and DH have generously passed on their germs to me. I am utterly unimpressed. This means that not much has happened today, and I expect not much will happen over the weekend either.
Dinner this evening was 'nice' sausages from the freezer, frozen salt and pepper fries that the men like (which were on offer last week) and peas, all with gravy. The men were very happy with it but I felt that it was lacking. Mind you, I think the main thing lacking was my enthusiasm.
We have a stock of 'nice' sausages in the freezer after a good deal. They are conveniently gluten free, taste great and could be worse when it comes to ingredients. I firmly believe that it's better to spend out on nice sausages (£2.50 for six large, meaty sausages, which is enough for us) than get cheap and poor quality steak.
As for the pickled chillies, it's very much DH's domain. He and bear will eat any amount. I have left it entirely to them, so I'm not sure of the recipe they use, but it's something like 300g of chillies plus white vinegar plus salt and possibly suger plus some water will do enough to make I think two or three jars of pickled chillies that last maybe a fortnight or possibly three weeks. The jars used previously contained pasta sauce, and their lids have a coating that isn't so likely to be affected by the vinegar. These are supposed to take 500g of the pasta sauce and are a decent size. One small jar of 270g chilli pickles at Tesco costs £1.70. At my best guess of the recipe, and erring on the generous side, it costs maybe £3.00 for the chillies and pennies for the vinegar and salt and possibly sugar for the minimum of four times that jar costing £1.70, and we know everything that's in it. That is why spending, say, £12 on two buckets of jalapeno pepper growing packs, which may produce more than two plants and therefore may produce a kilo or so of chillies, makes sense as a gamble.
I don't eat them, as I'm not a fan of spicy food, but I'm always replacing bottles of hot sauce and tabasco as the men love that stuff. DH and bear get through quite a lot during a week, so it's absolutely worth it. I'm going to try and persuade DH to make Cowboy Candy. We've had it in the past but it was £6.99 for a very small jar, so home made would absolutely be worth a try.
I also treated DH to a bottle of chilli flavoured oil. It was on offer and I needed a small amount to make it up to free delivery, so I added it to the Tesco order and he loves it. If we get enough chillies, he may have a go at making his own. I know that he's really enjoying it.
Perhaps, if this goes well, I may try growing garlic next year.
I haven't got any pics taken today, so here is a blast from the past.
It's from 4th February 2024 and if the chillies are successful and I branch out, I may need it!
Hugs and good health to all.
Thursday, 6 February 2025
Some Chillies Have Been Planted
There are quite a few pictures today, so brace yourselves.
The first pack of chilli seeds I attempted was the one where the pots had been stuck.
They included a bag of potting soil and wonderfully clear instructions. I was to cut open the bag of soil (not tear), stand it in the upturned clear pot and add 300ml of water. I was then to leave it for a few minutes to allow the soil to absorb the water.
I left it for over half an hour, but when I decanted it into the opaque pot, water still ran through. I put the clear pot on top, as instructed, but I'll probably give the soil a little spray tomorrow as I'm worried about the soil being too dry.
I then went for the cayenne bucket. That had instructions in incredibly tiny print.
Chillies Still Not Planted
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
I May Need More Vitamins
I didn't post anything yesterday as I was roughly at the stage of 'toddler-about-to-throw-epic-trantrum' tired.
I'd been knitting that scarf/wrap out of the book my wonderful DH bought me and I'd gone wrong.
I couldn't work out where I'd made the mistake. It was just one stitch, but it was fiddly to see and it's hard to tell from the knitting. I was ready to cry.
To be honest, I'm reconsidering it a little as the pattern is nice, but it's a little wide for me for a scarf. I have 700g of yarn from the same pack and I can feel a basic blanket calling me. Last night, I decided that I wasn't in a fit state to make a decision and I was looking for the hat I'd started for the Mission to Seafarers when I found the fanciest yarn I own.
It's 70% Falklands Wool and 30% British Alpaca. A scarf that is definitely for me has been started, just a 3x3 broken rib, and to my surprise, the yarn feels stiffer than the acrylic of the colourful blanket. I suspect it will be better for a wash, but I'm not blocking it. The scarf is likely to be over five feet long and I don't have anywhere that I could pin it.
We went to feed the crows this morning. There were plenty of crows and magpies but no jackdaws today. It surprised me how busy it was in the car park, but I saw at least three dog walkers with a crowd of dogs and plenty of parents with small kids. I should really take pics of the birds. They are fascinating to watch, with such a presence.
I still feel utterly drained, and I still haven't planted those dratted chillies. I think once they're done, I'll stagger a lap of honour around the living room.
Writing stuff - I published the next chapter from the White Hart yesterday and you can find it here.
Hugs and good health to all.