
Monday, 10 February 2025

Chilli Confusion Continues

Let's be honest, I haven't a clue what I'm doing. I've watched a few YouTube videos but I'm not sure that they're the hands on knowledge I could do with. This morning I decided to try planting these.

I opened them up and there was what they called a stage or staging.

Plus a tray of stuff.

And I'm supposed to add water to the coir, which hasn't worked well for me recently, then add seeds and coir mix into these tiny pod things which I forgot to photo, and those pod things fit in the slots in the staging. I considered it and I had doubts. 

My track record for dexterity isn't brilliant. I have no faith that I could fit the coir plus seeds into tiny plastic thingies that get shoved into small cardboard slots and then how would the seedlings grow to a size to easily transplant?. I could see it all going very, very wrong. So I've decided to get hold of some plant pots and follow the instructions for the first lot of chillies that I planted. In theory I could get hold of some plastic bottles and cut the bottom bit off and use that, but I'd want to paint it to cut out the light so that the soil didn't turn green around the edges and down the sides, and that would mean digging out paint and waiting until I got around to it, and before you know it, October would be here so I'm spending money on inexpensive plant pots. I don't know what the germination rate is likely to be, but as far as I can tell I have fifty seeds so fingers crossed that I should get something

I'm also going to plant the seeds left over from the first batch. There are around five, and they're not exactly properly sealed. 

I hope they'll be okay if I get them planted this week.

I know that there are loads of competent gardeners reading this who must wonder why I'm making such a fuss. But apart from some microgreens and some cress, I don't think that I've ever grown anything from seed and I have killed a lot of plants. Not only that, this is a really big deal for DH. I'd also love to be able to send bear away to university with some home made, home grown pickled chillies. It's such a voyage for me, so I'm grateful for all the comments and encouragement. 

In other news, I bought a candle.

I absolutely do not need a candle. I have dozens of candles, stacks of them, we are totally stocked with candles. This cost £8.99 and I did not need it! I had a Morrisons order come this morning. When I'm feeling well, I am in a rut of Morrisons on Monday (minimum spend £25) and Friday is Tesco (minimum spend for free delivery £50). I'd seen this advertised on Facebook, and I was drawn in. I love candles and I adore this sort of blue and white design. I did my usual and added it to the order with a view to going through and taking it off the day before. I book the deliveries in advance and I adjust the order as I go through the week, carefully paring it down. Being full of cold, I missed the chance to take it off. And it isn't even scented. It's a lovely pot, though. The way things are going, it could end up holding a chilli plant. 

Writing stuff - My brain is as bunged up as my sinuses with this dratted cold, so instead of posting the next White Hart instalment, I've reposted one of my favourites that I wrote during the pandemic here

Hugs and good health to all.

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