
Saturday 17 August 2024


The exhaust has gone on the car. The garage said that something had come off. They can't get the part at the moment but it's safe to drive. They'll give me a call when they can do it. Poor Red sounds like a boy racer going 0-60mph when I'm trundling along at 20mph. 

You will notice that I'm not exactly next to the kerb. Parking that way makes it a lot easier for me to get in and out. I'm concerned about cars gettig past as there is a lot of growth on the other side of the road, but it's okay at the moment, as far as I can judge. I'm going to have to have a go at cutting it back, but after autumn. There are still a lot of birds in the street, plus squirrels and goodness knows what else. There are a lot of elderberries.

We went out to see the crows and magpies this morning and on the way noisily dropped off some stuff at the children's hospice shop. I feel like having a purge. 

I hope that the garage get back to us soon. The car was growling and backfiring all the way. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Hope the car exhaust system can get fixed, soon. I think, over here, in my area, at least, one would get cited if one is caught driving without a properly working exhaust system. Will you be picking some of the elderberries to make jam?

  2. Elderberries make lovely wine but I don’t like the smell of elderberry jam
