
Monday 19 August 2024

Opportunity to Knit

My hip is bad today, so I'm not guaranteeing to make sense. I am in a lot of pain. 

I thought I'd mention about elderberries. Bless asked if I would make jam with them. There are three very good reasons why I shouldn't. Reason one is that I should never be allowed near boiling sugar. I am creative when it comes to accidents and I don't want to find out what I could do with jam making. Reason two is that I don't really know anyone who eats jam, food banks don't accept home made jam and no-one in this house has opened a jar of jam since before last Christmas. It would be a waste. The third reason is that there are a lot of birds around even though we don't have a bird feeder anymore, and plenty of wildlife, so I'm very happy for them to get the benefit. 

I went to the doctor today as the cellulitis continues, even after stupid amounts of antibiotics. So I drove my poor asthmatic car over there and back and got a prescription for more stupid antibiotics and steroid cream. I also need to get my leg elevated. In the past, it's been a problem. The house wasn't set up for that - and I know that sounds weird, but it was the unfortunate truth. However, over the last few years, we've moved around all the bookcases, shifted a few chairs around and cleared out some rubbish. I've worked out that I can now stretch out on the sofa with cushions under my leg for a regulated 30 minutes a time, three times a day. And while I'm there, it will be impossible for me to use my laptop so I will have a space to make a dent on my knitting stash, together with some thinking time. I may even catch up on some 'proper' reading. 

We've been watching a lot of the old Doctor Who, so I've been working on the blanket which doesn't need me to concentrate. The Jon Pertwee era had exciting plots and scary moments and I don't trust myself with anything that needs counting. It's looking like this at the moment.

And it's about 55 inches square (around 140cm) and I've got enough yarn to add perhaps another 12 inches to the length. It's just plain knit, but it keeps my hands busy and I'm hoping to sell it for at least 10% more than the very inexpensive yarn cost. However, while I was elevating, I also finished off the hat, finally. Because it's 2x2 rib, I can't knit and watch something exciting or I get lost. And speaking of getting lost, after finishing the hat, I dug out the Yarn Harlot One Row Scarf that I was working on ages ago in an attempt to get closer to finishing the thing and I kept losing my place on the four (yep, only four) stitches that make up the pattern. 

I've got quite a bit of yarn left on the scarf, but hopefully it won't take too long. Then I think that I need to get cracking on the sweaters that I want to make for myself if I want them for the cool weather. All my current sweaters are on their way out, looking threadbare and bobbly with holes. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Love that blanket that you are knitting. You've very good reasons for not picking the elderberries to make jam. :)

  2. My experience is that only Canadians use elderberries for fruit pies and such. My suggestion is you use them with rosehips and pumpkin spices to make an immune enbancing elixir with honey and brandy. It's gorgeius. Dose is 1tsp per day. You can find the recipe on my blog, Tales of a Kitchen Herbwife. Best wishes, Sarah

  3. Like your knitting! Could you perhaps show where to obtain pattern for harlot scarf please?
