
Tuesday 27 August 2024

Still Moving

Before I forget - the pattern for the yarn harlot one row scarf is here -
You have to scroll past instructions for spinning the yarn, but I think you can use any yarn with the needle size given on the ball band. It's a lovely pattern but I have the attention span of wet candyfloss at the moment. 

And for those looking for elderberry recipes, Sarah has some wonderful recipes on her blog Tales of a Kitchen Herbwife and there is one in this article here which has a wonderful elderberry cordial - Sarah, please could you share links for any others that are good for health, as I want to get it right. 

Bear has painted the window.

He did all the work and was entirely unsupervised. I could no doubt nitpick, but I'm just glad that he did it. Now I need to dig up the bed and plant winter pansies - or get bear to do it. The poor lad has had some trials these last two weeks. My brother gave him a fancy game card. Bear inserted the game card into his computer's guts, and the poor thing has had a nervous breakdown. I know that strictly speaking computers don't have nervous breakdown, but bear's has done a very good imitation. It keeps forgetting that things have been installed, uninstalling things that it shouldn't and reinstalling things that it should. Bear has found it tough.

DH has been off for a few days, which has been awesome. We've been watching hour after hour of the old Doctor Who, and we've been so impressed at the quality of the stories for Jon Pertwee. He was less impressed that I've run out of his favourite jar pasta bake sauce. To be fair, it doesn't seem like that long since I bought 26 of them when they were on offer. Instead we had sausages cooked and then chopped into chunks, then stirred into cooked pasta, frozen peas (cooked with the pasta), softened onions and mushrooms, garlic and a carton of passata. It was very pleasant indeed. It's interesting that when I bought them last time, they were something like 75p and now they're 66p so the price isn't too much of a killer. I'll buy them as I need them until the next good sale. 

Writing stuff - I've finally got a story from the White Hart posted and it's here. I've been doing some thinking about how I write, and I think I need to change up a lot. I also can't get the White Hart books to go free on Kindle, but I'll be posting the stories from the beginning on Royal Road from the beginning of October so it should be available to read then. 

A friend of mine, L Bachman, has a book free until 29th August. I promised that I'd share the info, picked up the book and dipped in. I'm not supposed to do reviews, because Amazon get suspicious if friends swap reviews because they may not be truthful. However, I'll say that the collection of short stories remind me of Victorian Gothic or Lovecraft stories. They're intricate and layered and the language is more formal than you find in a lot of current books. The stories also scared the living daylights out of me, so while I'm sharing, please be aware that they are not for the faint hearted, no matter how well written they are. It's Little Lunacies by L Bachman. 

Hugs and good health to all. 

1 comment:

  1. Bear did a good job painting the window. I hope he gets his computer to work well. Hope you are starting to feel better with your own health issues.
