
Monday 23 September 2024

All About Writing

I've spent a lot of today on Writing Stuff.

Apart from that, I've been coaxing bear to hand over his washing. I was all in favour of him doing his own washing when it was a good learning tool and he wasn't under pressure. However the pressure for his A levels next June has already started. He has promised that he'll hand over his washing tomorrow. 

It's crazy for bear. He's pretty relaxed at the moment, but the pressure has already started. That's the thing. He's already got all sorts of tests and practices lined up at school. To be honest, I'm worrying about him. He's currently fine, but I'll be watching like a hawk as he heads towards the A levels. 

The current pressure is about the MAT, or the Oxford test for Maths. Bear's college are devoting massive amounts of time and energy to get him ready for it. I knew that there would be pressure when I agreed that he should enroll in a high achieving Maths college, and bear seems to be handling it with grace, but I worry.

Writing stuff - apart from worrying about bear, I've been setting more stuff on Royal Road and you can find all of Across a Misty Bridge here. I've been working on a few things, and I'll share when I can. 

 Hugs and good health to all.

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