
Monday 2 September 2024

Still lots of Ouch

Fat Dormouse - You have an amazing name. My washing machine definitely needs a patron saint.

Bless - It sounds more adventurous than it is. Last week I was scrolling through going, 'no fish as DH and I don't like that, no lamb because bear and I aren't keen, no pork as DH doesn't like that, no aubergine because I've only seen it slimy, no prawns because while bear loves them DH and I loathe them, I'm not paying out for fancy cuts, bear won't eat sweetcorn, I can't eat cheese or gluten, bear can't tolerate all cheese, I can't stand stuff that's too spicy, bear won't have soup...' 

Speaking of cooking, it's bear and DH doing the fancy stuff, and they are amazing. They're trying out a load of ideas because pretty soon bear will be away from the house and it's important that he knows how to cook a meal. I'm usually the one chasing down a recipe, but I give the guys plenty of options and we've been eating very healthy food. I'm chasing down recipes for savoury food that include oats as I bought a load when they were on offer so that bear could have over night oats for breakfast on school days. He's decided that he's not having that for breakfast any more and so I'll need to use them up. Thinking about it, it will probably be me having the overnight oats. 

Bear goes back to school on Wednesday. I've been checking all summer about stuff he needs to get ready for next year and he assured me that he had it all in hand. Last night, around 10pm, he decided that he needed a pencil case. I put it on the Tesco order for delivery today, but it was substituted - with a lock box! I was baffled and so was the delivery driver. I didn't accept that.

I've struggled a little today with health, so there's not much more to report. I've no pics from today so I thought that I'd share a pic from September 2021. I couldn't walk that far now. I need to make it my wallpaper so that I'm encouraged to get better and walk even further.

Hugs and good health to all. 

1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful picture!
    I'm sorry you've struggled with health issues, today. I hope it gets better, soon. I hope bear gets his pencil case before school starts!
