
Sunday 1 September 2024

Problems with New Recipes

As I've been saying, we've been trying out a lot of new recipes recently. The Tesco Recipe collection has been ruthlessly raided. Tonight we had black bean burgers, but just the burgers and not the avocado accompaniment. Instead we had them with oven chips and green beans (I have a lot of green beans in the freezer). 

One of the ingredients is breadcrumbs and I splashed out on some fancy gluten free breadcrumbs. They may have been a little dry, as the burgers crumbled in the pan. We may well do them again as they tasted amazing, but next time we'll add an egg. I now have a nearly full bag of gluten free breadcrumbs that we need to use up. They can go next to the '100g less two teaspoonfuls' of sesame seeds that one recipe asked for. And I've a suspicion that there are spring onions that need to be eaten up tomorrow. 

I actually found this recipe because I wanted to use up the tinned black beans that I'd found in the cupboard. However we're gradually acquiring a growing stack of ingredients that will also need using up. I can see us getting more and more adventurous with food as we try and make sure that we waste nothing. DH has been pickling chillies. He did it initially because he wanted to use up some leftover chillies, but now he and bear are really enjoying them and I'm regularly buying huge quantities of chillies for them to pickle. It's like a vicious cycle, but tasty. 

I called in at a Sainsbury's local last Wednesday and took this picture. 

They've started putting out Christmas merchandise and it isn't even Halloween! Grumbling about how early the Christmas stuff appears is becoming as traditional as Christmas pudding. 

Hugs and good health to all. 

1 comment:

  1. At least you are willing to try new recipes, unlike yours truly who tends to stick to the tried and true! :D
