
Tuesday 17 September 2024

Accidental Housework

I wish I could remember what this cloth was called, as I would absolutely link it.

I got a pack of them from Amazon, and I've used them to mop up spills in the kitchen and occasionally to wash dishes. Today I wrung one out in cold water to knock some dust off the fan heater in the study. However, before I got there, I found myself wiping over some of the woodwork on the way. The woodwork hasn't been touch for far too long and was covered in gunk, and this cloth, or rather, the damp version because I don't put damp cloths on my laptop, just wiped it off. There was no cleaning fluid, no soap, no magic ingredient like vinegar. It was just this cloth and water and it made a massive difference to some seriously mucky door frames, handles, light switch covers, window frames and the front of the fridge hasn't been so clean for years! It's better than the standard microfibre cloth - it's a miracle! I can see some easier cleaning in the future.

Bear has been working on his personal statement for university applications. It's a whole process, and it looks like he's in a good place as long as he gets the grades that are forecast. Some universities add weighting to kids from deprived areas and our postcode counts. Before Brexit, this area got extra funding from the EU because it was so deprived. Bear isn't particularly affected because of DH's hard work, but the area isn't a good one. There are a lot of one parent families, lots of generational unemployment, and far too much deprivation and drug use. I used to worry about bear a lot, but bear isn't easily influenced and his friends seem to be good people. And tonight bear was working on some maths problems while watching the first Tom Baker Doctor Who episode which was awesome. 

Writing stuff - King's Silver is now available as an eBook. Out of the London Mist is available as a paper back and Amazon is reviewing the paperbacks of King's Silver and Under a Bright Saharan Sky. A huge block in my creative process has disappeared. Now I hope to move on with purpose. The White Hart stories should be down by the end of the week, though I'm making no promises. 

Hugs and good health to all. 

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