
Thursday 19 September 2024

Passport Chaos

We thought that my brother's partner could countersign bear's passport application, but apparently they're in the wrong department or something so we were stranded. Bear needs photo ID by the end of October and we may be cutting it fine with the passport application. 

It's been tense today.

I found a few possibilities. There's a Citizen card which is used to prove things like age, and I may suggest that bear gets that anyway because he'll soon be of an age to start drinking and it's better to carry around a replaceable card than a passport. His student ID may be appropriate but apparently it's not signed and there needs to be a signature. 

In the end, I rang bear's old school. The person signing the form has to be a teacher who has known the applicant for more than two years, and bear's old head of year was very happy to sign for him. I am pathetically grateful. 

I have spent a large part of the day frantically searching for answers. I don't fully understand all the details, but there are a couple of tests that are used as almost entrance exams or aptitude tests for Maths courses. Bear is applying to Oxford and their courses require the MAT test. There's another one for Warwick University which is one of bear's fallback universities, but I can't remember its name. I've told bear that I'm happy to do things like washing and cooking for him. I've left him alone with those chores for a while to help him get ready for life at university, but I'd rather run around after him and take the stress off. As it is, bear told me he is fine. I'll keep an eye on things. 

He's keeping some balance in his life so it's not all studying. Tonight he went to a pub quiz with his friends so I drove the ten miles or so, dropped him off, called in to Tesco, found a nice, quiet car park and had fun knitting, picked him up and drove home. Driving home was a little more adventurous than I'd like as there was a road closure and I had to get creative with the route.  

I didn't get pics, so I'm enclosing a pic of the moon. It was gorgeous tonight. 

Writing stuff - the eBooks and paperbacks are all live on Amazon and the White Hart series is down. I'll start posting it on Royal Road next week.

Hugs and good health to all. 

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