
Thursday, 30 July 2015

Darn it to Heck

I have been very tentatively clearing space in father's room.  It is a reasonable sized room and most estate agents would class it as a double bedroom.  It is not, however, a Tardis, and it hasn't been touched since father went into hospital last year and has had a lot of stuff dumped in there, including my sewing machine.

If I was there with a family member I know there would be lots of shuffling around saying things like, 'I don't know, what do you think?'  As it is, I'm just pootling on.  I have moved six bottles of bleach to the bathroom.  I have moved a dismantled shelf unit into the garden (we may end up getting a skip).  I have no idea what we are supposed to do with the metal detector.  I haven't even started on the top of the wardrobe, as father had lots of bright ideas that he didn't follow through (funny, that rings a bell).

I've just realised that tomorrow they are picking up the display cabinet.  I can't even reach the display cabinet due to other stuff being shifted around to fit in the piano, even though I have filled bag after bag.

It is really helpful, I'm getting so much sorted/thrown out/found a place for that I can't really grumble.  I am just a little more bewildered than I was this morning.  At least I can pick up the Death Certificate tomorrow.

Bear continues, well, just about okay, could be worse.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sybil.
    Sorry I've only just seen the news about your father, so sorry to hear this. Make time to take care of yourself whilst taking care of Bear & Hubby.
