
Sunday 26 May 2024

Bright Day

DH is doing okay and we went to feed the crows this morning. I think that they had missed us because they were almost mobbing the car when we pulled up and they were exceedingly happy to be fed. I suspect that there was more going on than just being fed. We saw some serious squabbling among the magpies, with a few actual scraps, which seemed more about who was in charge than the food. 

When we got home, I took a pic or two of the garden. Gladys is looking good but I NEED to get the poor thing free from the deadwood. I may have to take over from bear.

The white rose is flourishing.

Even the weeds are in blossom.

Our garden is maybe five yards by twenty yards - it's not big at all - but it is full of greenery and life. Even the creeping toadflax on the steps is flourishing.

And while our garden is bursting out, I'm still a little envious of the self seeded snapdragons outside next door's gate.

It's been quietly lovely. I've got quite a bit of knitting done as I watched the FA Cup Final and then Doctor Who, and it's been great to relax. DH has been a little busier as he sprayed out the scratches on the car. Bear has been busier still. He's off for a week now, but he's done a load of homework already and hopes to have finished the large swathe of homework that was supposed to occupy him all week by the end of tomorrow. Then he can focus on the more important things like hanging out with his friends and playing computer games. And also revising as the results he gets from tests in three weeks time are the results sent to the universities he applies to. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Your garden is a delight! Maybe buy a packet of snapdragon seeds and scatter them about to see if they'll grow!
    Glad that your DH is doing OK now.
