
Monday 6 November 2023

Oxtail Soup with Added Milk and Sugar

This is a common phrase in our family and means bewildered or away with the fairies. It refers to someone going to a hot drink vending machine and being so confused that they end up with oxtail soup with added milk and sugar. And it's fairly how I feel.

All are fed. DH has had his pasta bake, bear (who was schooling from home) has had a frozen Thai green curry and I think I had a hotpot. 

Tomorrow I have to drive to a new location. I'm a little concerned. I've looked over the route, though, and it should be fairly straightforward. It's mid morning, so not crazy traffic, and while it involves the ring road, it should be okay. I'm a little worried about parking, but I'll leave in lots of time and take my knitting. 

It depends a little, though, as if I feel too disconnected, I'll ring and try and reschedule. It's for tinnatus, so not exactly time sensitive. 

I haven't done much today. I should have been spending time working out how to give myself some structure, but instead I got on with the proof reading for Not by Appointment by Essie Summers which should be released soon. 

I have to be up early as the slots for Tesco Delivery are released first thing tomorrow. I could do with marking a place as there are some things that I will probably want to order. We have quite a minimalist Christmas, so I don't mind splashing out a little on some nice meat. 

I've no pics taken but this is one from November 2021. It's still one of my favourites

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. When I saw the post title, I thought it was for a recipe for oxtail soup! LOL! I hope you will be able to go where you need to go without any difficulties, tomorrow.

    1. Thank you! I can imagine that sort of soup and there are all sorts of ways it could go!

  2. Glad all the people fed. I usually feed mine and then get stuck wondering what to feed myself!
    Good luck with the drive. I still think you're really brave (compared to me!) with all the new places you drive.

    1. There are spells when I live on crisps and chocolate because that's all I have energy for after feeding the men. Thank you - and you are braver than me - you drive on snow!
