I'm doing okay. Personally I have some really bad sores and some very broken nights but actually it's getting better. It really is. It may not be brilliant, but it's better and I'll take it.
Bear goes back to school tomorrow in the nick of time. One more tantrum from him today and I will be rationing his sweets. I know what is happening. He has a cough. He is tired. He is clingy. I can barely move without him following me, but he will be fine tomorrow.
Father is on an IV drip. He is not getting food enough through the feeding tube and he keeps coughing it up. I believe they are still looking for the notes of his stomach operation back in 1971 to see if they can operate, and he has been looking very frail. However he has access to football and that is a big deal. And Liverpool won! There was complicated button pressing that involved a laptop, a dongle and a long call to a helpline that is going to make it very interesting to try and get his PAYG dongle topped up. DH was an absolute hero.
That's another silver lining - DH is being a hero. We have started watching The Big Bang Theory. Doctor Who is awesome. September is my favourite time of year. There are still lots of good things.
Glad to hear that you can find some things to be positive about, as you have an awful lot to cope with, as well as you not feeling great yourself. Love and prayers for you all xxx