
Monday 8 January 2024

First Proper Monday

I just remembered to print out the weekly checklist that I started to try before Christmas. I managed some of it today, but not so much as I would like and reading through the list helps.

I've only been outside to feed the birds, and then I forgot to take a pic. I did get a very poor pic of a squirrel on the bird feeder which I took from the bathroom window, but it was so grainy that you can't see anything. Instead here's an old one of a squirrel that was on the drainpipe.

It was actually taken 5 January 2023, almost exactly a year ago. 

I'm a lot better and I plan to spend the next few days hunkered down. My shoulder is a lot better - apparently the trip to the hospital worked even though nothing happened - but I'm still wheezing and sniffling like a professional. At least I can type a little better now. 

Writing stuff - My response to last week's writing prompt is here. One of my tasks tomorrow is to sort out all the writing I want to do and try and work out how to work around it. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better!
    Squirrels seem to get everywhere. I have lots of them in my garden back in Michigan but I haven't seen many near daughter's house. Perhaps there are too many dogs around? There seems to be lots of dogs.

    1. I like seeing squirrels but I'm under no illusions about their bad habits. Perhaps I could rent a dog lol.

  2. Continue to take it easy and not push yourself to accomplish things while you are recovering.
