
Thursday 23 May 2024

Another Ouch

Deirdre is doing well.

I took that from the bottom of the kitchen steps as I was definitely staying out of the rain! 

I also checked and I have a round dozen bottles of washing up liquid under the sink. This is not as bad as it sounds. Three of those are the cheap stuff that I use against aphids. The other nine (or eight and a half, really) are from the 'buy four for the price of three' event on cleaning products a few months back. I stocked up to keep me going until the next event, which I think may be in about two months time. Stocking up is good. I'm still well supplied with jars of pasta bake sauce that I got when it was '3 for 2' in the even that usually happens twice a year. I must have made an impression on the computer programme, though, as it keeps suggesting it when I'm checking out a delivery order. 

My hip has played up today and I shut my thumb in the door jamb. The combination left me out of sorts when I went to pick up bear, but it could be worse. I suspect it may cut down my knitting as my thumb is sore. Mind you, I got a lot of knitting done while watching Great British Sewing Bee. The difference between the first series and this one is crazy. I can't believe that the first series had 'alter the neckline of a t-shirt' and now it's 'make a different garment from a t-shirt'. I think that the first series was a lot more relateable. 

I'm still not confident with the sewing machine.

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Deirdre seems to be doing very well, indeed! Gladys had better watch out!
    Sorry to hear that your hip played up today and you hurt your thumb. Hope you feel better, soon.
    I fully approve of stocking up when there are good sales. Speaking of aphids, I just discovered earlier today that there are aphids on my apple seedling! I need to mix up a batch of soapy water to spray on them!
    I once saw in a magazine, where someone attached a gathered skirt to a t-shirt to make a dress and thought that was a good idea (but, never tried to make one of my own).

    1. Aphids are sooooo tricky. I worry about culling them too much in our garden as there are a lot of hover flies and ladybirds around and they feed on the aphids. There are usually ants guarding them as well. It's like a whole nature documentary but I just want them off my roses!

  2. ouch on the hip and thumb!

    I love Deirdre. She is doing well.

    I have several bottles of washing up liquid. I have my favourite (of which there is a little emergency bottle under the sink), then there is just the back-up emergency bottles lol.

    1. Deirdre is awesome! I love the concept of emergency and back up emergency bottles!
