
Saturday 18 May 2024

Looking Quite Good

I can't remember why I didn't post yesterday. I know that I spent quite some time setting things up to have an easy dinner for us that would generate the minimum of washing up. DH, bless him, made sandwiches for him and bear and I enjoyed my non-gluten sandwich and we ate from paper plates. 

I've also emptied a lot from the cupboard under the sink. Some of it I've ditched because it got splashed with drain cleaner and I just want rid. Other stuff is the result of me failing at housewifery. I have a theory that the better the housewife, the fewer the products. My cupboards were overstuffed! I've kept the washing up liquid and the liquid hand soap along with some bits that were on the windowsill and got rid of the rest. Some of them were extremely elderly. I'm going to restock baking soda, but I have big jugs of vinegar elsewhere and I plan to just replace what I use or buy for particular purposes. The kitchen spray I'm currently using is a cheap one from Tesco and I loathe the smell so I may try making my own. 

At least now I have enough space to store the kitchen cloths. That's even after I've put the washing up liquid and hand soap back. Mind you, there's only three bottles of the hand soap left. I'm finally getting to the end of the great hand soap bargain stockpile from 2018. I'll be using more bars going forward. 

I'll need to get some good disinfectant in as well, I think, or perhaps a good solution of vinegar and soapy water, to clean the windowsill where the plants are. I cut off some of the more heavily affected areas but I want to grow microgreens and coriander on those windowsills and I'd like to sort out this infestation first. 

Cleaning under the sink took quite a lot out of me, but I did it and I'm taking it as a win and as a chance to get moving. The plumber did an awesome job and replaced the plughole and all the bits attached without trying to upsell. This is a different plumber to the one who did the bathroom who I wouldn't allow back over my threshold. 

Today I was determind that it was going to be a knitting day. I did get some knitting done while watching Doctor Who, but as I was determined to only knit, I actually got quite a bit of writing done. It's nice to know that some things never change. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. Sounds like you got a lot done!

  2. Good for you.
    I dread looking under the sink. Well, I look then I think of all the creepy crawlies that could be under there and just shove everything back in again lol

    1. I swear that there are spiders getting trauma counselling right now after being evicted
