
Monday 13 May 2024

More Flowers

More flowers have appeared, this time on Gert.

But I think that there's also some bugs on the plant. I shall have to start looking up pests on house plants. They're just tiny black specks, but I have a bad feeling. 

I've also been knitting and the blanket is coming on wonderfully. It's 32 inches long (around 81cm) and I'm not even half way through the yarn. I had a quick check and it's around 52 inches wide (around 132cm give or take, I just measured on my lap) so it may be a proper sized blanket. As my hip is bad, I'm not taking many fancy pics, but I managed this.

I'm hoping I'll be able to get to the clinic tomorrow. 

Writing stuff - I'm catching up on the writing prompts and the response to Writing Prompt 19 is here

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. The blanket is coming along lovely.

    1. Thank you - it's a lovely, comforting knit

  2. Lovely flowers! I hope you don't have any pests on the plants.
    Lovely blanket, too. I do hope you can get to the clinic tomorrow and have that hip checked out.

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the pests. I couldn't make the clinic today but I'm hopeful about tomorrow.
