
Thursday 23 May 2024


There have been wins and fails today. I've struggled with moving at times, but I've done a tiny bit of ironing and a little sorting out. I've managed to get a pic through the window of the passion flower that's been shamefully neglected and needs tying up to the trellis. I even had proper meals and made enough for left overs for tomorrow. 

Then DH was poorly and I spent a lot of time worrying. It's not up to me to share his woes, though, so I thought I'd share one of my wins. I drank some tea. 

I've been drinking far too much diet cola. It's easy, I greatly enjoy it, and it doesn't trigger any of my intolerances. Even better, I can have a bottle near me and not have to go up and down stairs to get to a kettle. However my impulse shopping had invested in some Aquarius tea from Bird & Blend and I made time to brew a cup. 

It's a loose leaf tea, which I like, and is mainly green tea with lemon and sparkles. 

When I opened the packet, I felt like I was punched on the nose by a very assertive lemon. I carefully brewed the tea for the suggested 3 minutes. 

I think that I'll do it slightly less time for the next brew as it was a little bitter for me, even though I'd added plenty of sweetener. I admit to staging the above photo to try and hide the state of the kitchen. I felt so grown up brewing a speciality tea, then I dropped the teapot lid into the cup as I poured and was back to my normal self.

But once I fished it out, I felt all sophisticated. 

Although a sophisticated drinker would probably have added less sweetener. 

I'm not sure about the sparkles. I saw a glimmer or two, but it mainly looked like sand. 

For me, the jury is still out. It was nice, but it felt very strong. I'll try again for a few drinks tomorrow but brew it weaker. 

Hugs and good health to all.


  1. I really like the photos! I must admit I'm a fan of diet coke. I try to limit myself as it would be far too easy to drink too much.
    Glad you managed to get some things done. Every little thing is a win!

    1. Thank you - that's praise about the pics! I'm taking everything I can as a win.

  2. I hope your DH feels better, soon.
    Tea with sparkles! That's what I'm missing from my life! LOL.

    1. He's doing okay. Tea with sparkles is something I've aimed for!

  3. A proper cup too. Not a big clunky mug

    1. I love that cup - it encourages me to have a proper drink!
