
Tuesday 21 May 2024

Another Week Starts

It's been a quiet day. I'm trying to move more, but today hasn't been a win. 

I've been thinking about hygge. From my (probably limited) understanding, you have all the cosy in the winter, but summer needs to be outside and energetic. I haven't got energetic. But I really, really love snuggling down in autum and winter, and if I do that then I need to get the house fit for snuggles during the summer. 

I'm going to have to tackle the clothes heap in the dining room. There's a load of ironing but also a load of stuff to donate or possibly sell. It's sadly a big job that needs a lot of standing. There's all sorts of stuff that needs to be dealt with. I have some old towels that I plan to cut up. I bought one of those mops where you put a cleaning wipe over the head of the mop, but the refill wipes are £3.50 for 12! I plan to cut up the old, scratchy towels and use those dunked in soapy water and wrung out. That means that I have to cut up the towels to the correct size and then run a zigzag stitch around the edges to stop fraying. There is a lot of stuff like that - small tasks that will make things easier and won't take up much energy if I just start them. Then come winter, I can snuggle down and be comfortable. And I need to do the movement, so it's a win-win.

Writing stuff - I'm still lagging behind the writing prompts, but I'm up to Number 21 and you can find today's story here

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I like your plans to get the house ready in the summer to be all cosy and comfortable in the autumn and winter. :)

    1. I'll keep everything updated - it may be enough to galvanise me into action!

  2. I must admit that I spend far too much time in the summer time outside mostly doing a whole lot of nothing. I'm really trying to be more productive

    1. Productive is one thing, but you're storing up good memories and sunshine for the winter. That has to be a productive activity.
