
Wednesday 15 May 2024

Sorting Stuff Out

I had a very small grocery delivery this morning and afterwards I decided that the rest of my day needed to be spent sitting down. We also got a clock in the post. It's hung slightly crooked as it needs another nail, and please ignore the dust.

It's the perfect size. We had a clock that father brought with him, but it was going through a lot of batteries and it wasn't really us so I thought I'd invest in another. 

I'm trying to change the layout of my books and that means finding the original files. Not the original original files as I've changed computers twice since I wrote The Forgotten Village but the ones that are actually on Amazon. I couldn't find a dratted thing. I've been spending hours sorting stuff out and I keep finding weird stuff that I forgot - including the start of a really good murder mystery. 

Bear had a map reading exercise today. I've no idea how it went, but he didn't find his way home. Instead I'm picking him up from his pub quiz later. I hope that he had fun. I'm sure that I would have heard if there was a problem. 

Hugs and good health to all. 


  1. I hope that you were able to go to the clinic today and have a check up. Take care of yourself.

  2. I do hope you are able to get to the walk in clinic you mentioned recently. Talking to a professional could lead to necessary care

    1. Thank you for the hug - you're absolutely right!

  3. It's great when you find things you'd forgotten about - especially something you've created!

    1. Yes, I don't know if you have the same reaction to pics that you'd forgotten, but sometimes I look at stuff and thing - you know, that's not bad! It's a great feeling.
